15 True Stories That Made Us Say, “The World Has Real Angels in It”

I met a guy who was born on the same day as me. That seemed like reason enough to accept his offer when he asked me out. He told me to dress up very nicely as we’d be attending an art gallery opening. I got dolled up, and he was in a T-shirt and jeans.
We got there, and it was in a warehouse out in the middle of nowhere. It was an art gallery, but barely. Some of his friends were there. He wouldn’t introduce me to them and proceeded to chat with them and ignore me the entire evening.
After we left, he asked if he could take me out to dinner. I figured, whatever, at least I’d get a free meal out of this awful evening. We hit up a nice pizza joint and ordered a pizza. As I reached for a second slice, he just looked at me and said, “Wow! A second slice? Really? You’re a house!”. I ate the rest of the pizza.
etothepowerof3 / Reddit
I matched with a guy on a dating app, and he asked me to dinner. I get to the restaurant, but he’s not alone. He was with his mom! He smiled, gesturing for me to join them. I tried to collect myself and sat down. Things took a turn.
She pulled out a notebook and started asking me personal questions to check if I’d be a “good wife and mother”. I stood up and said, “This isn’t gonna work.” As I walked out, I heard her mutter, “Another one who isn’t serious!”
Saw a couple have a full-on argument at a restaurant. I wasn’t their server, but the table was directly in the center of the restaurant, and they were certainly loud enough for everyone to hear.
My manager kindly asked them to leave, and the guy’s response was to yell, “I’ve been wanting to do that for 2 years now,” and storm out.
PackersFan8712 / Reddit
Some guy on Valentine’s Day came in and asked us to write on the cup “Will you marry me?”. It didn’t go well. She looked at the cup while he went down on one knee. She said nothing, put the cup back down, and just walked away shaking her head.
He, on the other hand, got pissed and started to rant about how she should have gotten over him sleeping with her sister already. We had to ask him to leave.
TheThrowawayFox / Reddit
A pretty brunette walked in and sat down at the bar. I asked if she’d like to see a dinner menu. She explained that she was waiting for a date. The guy arrived with a large bag, which he sat down next to him.
It was immediately obvious this date was their first. Their conversation was lurching from forced to downright painful when he reached into the bag and pulled out an album containing...his Pokémon card collection.
He set the book on the bar and thumbed through each page, lovingly describing every card, attempting to educate his date. She feigned an emergency and called her friend to pick her up. He stayed and ate a plain hamburger at the bar. Both of these people were in their mid-30s.
Unknown author / Reddit
A couple sitting at the bar were enjoying their night out. The man got up from his barstool and left for the bathroom. As his girlfriend was alone at the bar, a woman approached and revealed that she had recently matched with the woman’s boyfriend on Tinder and had hooked up a week earlier.
The girlfriend refused to believe this story, so the woman showed her his Tinder profile and their conversation. The boyfriend returned to a sobbing and screaming girlfriend. I felt like I was watching a reality TV show.
The poor girl just discovered he’d been cheating on her for who knows how long. It was the most dramatic moment I have ever experienced, and it was none of my business.
t97brandt / Reddit
I often eat alone and people watch, and first dates are almost always painfully obvious. The worst one I ever saw was two people who were probably perfect for each other; they were both completely self-absorbed.
They both started stories and kept telling them at the same time. They weren’t even listening, just talking at each other. I was enraptured by the sheer insanity of it, I didn’t eat for like 45 minutes as they both just yapped away, barely stopping.
Zeruvi / Reddit
Meet a guy from OKCupid. He seems nice, but he never stops talking. After he had interrupted me for the 3rd or 4th time, I finally asked him, “Do you want to hear anything I have to say?” He apologizes profusely, says, “You’re right, I’m so sorry!” and pulls out a pad of paper and a pen.
He then jots notes as I’m telling him about myself and whatnot. I finally ask him what he’s doing, and he says, “Oh, I’m writing down things I want to tell you when it’s my turn to talk again.”
Breakfast27 / Reddit
I was on a plane in business class, and the hottest guy sat next to me. We started talking, and it quickly became a great first date once we established we were both single. I got excited as we had a lot in common until he mentioned that he didn’t think women should work and that he wanted kids immediately. I was 25 and had just started my own company, and kids were not on my mind.
I politely tried to watch a movie as my attraction to him came to a sudden halt, and he kept tapping my shoulder to ask questions. Annoyed, I tried to go to sleep, only to wake up to him putting his arm around my waist. I got up immediately and went to the back of the plane to ask the flight attendant if I could change seats, and she said the plane was all full.
Met through a dating app, and she asked if I wanted to meet “some of her friends” at a nearby place. It seemed weird for a first date, but I agreed to meet there. As we walk in, I realize there’s some kind of organized function happening, and there are printed papers on each table that read, “Welcome Springfield Class of 1991”.
She says hi to a couple of people, then says, “And this is Steve!”. My name isn’t Steve, she forgot my name. It was bizarre. I ended up staying for 45 minutes and eating a quesadilla as Steve then told her I had an early morning. She texted me the next day, but I felt this one time that ghosting was ok.
FishHikeMountainBike / Reddit
Some jobs don’t just test your skills, they test your relationships too. In this article, 10 people open up about careers that can turn romance into a distant memory faster than a bad first date. When work consumes your time, energy, and sanity, keeping a relationship afloat can seem like an impossible mission.