10 Stories Where Karma Took Over in the Most Satisfying Way

month ago

Sometimes, the universe delivers justice in ways that are so perfect, you can’t help but sit back and enjoy the show. Karma always finds a way to balance the scales. These 10 stories prove that what goes around really does come around, and when it does, it’s oddly satisfying.


My wife and her dad were out for dinner. FIL offers to pay but refuses to let her take leftovers. I tell him to leave her alone.

He says, “You pay then,” and storms out. I ask for the bill. The waiter says we have to wait for the manager.

Turns out they have a contest running where “every bill is a winner”. Normally you’ll win a free drink, or appetizer with your next meal. We won the grand prize — a trip for 4 to Florida. Whoever pays gets the prize.

Unknown author / Reddit


I was at a touristy place at the top of a big cliff. People were hanging around at the top, just enjoying the view, and this one guy was eating a sandwich while staring at his phone.

After he was done, he couldn’t be bothered to find a trash can so he went to throw the sandwich wrappings off the cliff, but he hurled his phone off the cliff instead.

Piano9717 / Reddit


An old lady with a walker shoved my toddler out of the way to get on a tram, then scolded her for being in the way. Two seconds later her walker got jammed between the tram and the pavement, she panicked and shouted for help.

I helped her out, but with a loud commentary to toddler about that’s why we don’t push in front of people.

KedgereeEnjoyer / Reddit


A guy cut me in line at the grocery store. I pointed out that I was in line, and he just shrugged his shoulders and turned his back to me.

The checker on the next line over called for next in line, and he ran over there. Then the checker left while he was unloading groceries. I was able to check out and bag my groceries before his checker ever came back.

August_Ocean / Reddit


Working the window at McDonald’s late night. A guy orders whatever and pulls up to the window. I’m cooking and handling the window, so I wasn’t there when the customer pulled up. When I walked up to the window, I didn’t see him with trash in his lap.

I open the window to take his card/cash, and he throws a bag of trash at me. I take a step back, bothered that I just got trash thrown at me, and I watch his car speed off. I’m pissed, but there’s nothing I can do.

A couple seconds later, I hear a small bang of metal on metal. I walk to the lobby and look out the windows. The guy slammed into a police cruiser who was about to loop around and use the drive through himself. Of course, I also went to tell the officer what just happened inside.

RedditWhileWorking23 / Reddit


My dad kept getting his lunch stolen at work one day, so he got my mother to get the spiciest hot sauce on the market to put on the sandwich.

Lo and behold, the guy who stole it was looking red as a hot iron. They fired the guy and my dad got to eat his lunch again.

FelixthefakeYT / Reddit


I used to be a zookeeper. A woman was making fun of our llama for looking ugly. The llama was a rescue who had corrective jaw surgery.

The woman pointed and laughed at our llama. The llama spat in her mouth. I gave the llama a treat and told her that she was a good girl.

MyNameIsNotRyn / Reddit


My dad was driving back from the shore when traffic got really bad. About a mile ahead, there was an accident that had brought traffic to a crawl. My dad decides to be patient about it. Others weren’t so patient. People began driving on the shoulder in order to get ahead of the traffic.

This pisses my dad off. We all know how this goes. We do the right thing and are punished for it, whereas these people are skipping in front traffic and will probably get away with it. He thought about following this stream of cars onto the shoulder, but he decided he’d do the right thing and wait.

As he got closer he saw two cops in a parking lot. One cop was directing all of the shoulder drivers into the parking lot, while the other wrote all of those drivers tickets. He describes it as one of the most satisfying things he’s ever seen.

DrDudeManJones / Reddit


My wife was jogging, and a man starts driving slow and cat calling her. Doesn’t realize it’s a red light and rear-ends a truck, totally destroying his Prius.

A cop was stopped at the same red light and saw the whole situation. The cop laughed and asked my wife to fill out a witness statement.

danpisha / Reddit


When my mom’s friend was 19, she crashed her car into an old man’s new car and blamed him. The man said, “I’ll pay for this, but you’re a liar, and you’ll pay for it, one day, with interest. Remember me when that day arrives.”

40 years later, she was in a supermarket, and some kid did the same thing to her. He said that she was a blind old lady, and that she must pay for his damages, and hers.

She looked at her new Mercedes, with less than 500 kilometers, took a deep breath and told him that he was a liar, and that one day, he’d pay for this mistake, with interest, and he’d recall this day, and her, and regret for being such a bad person. She was laughing when she told me.

Cynthia Ortiz / Quora

Sometimes, trying to do the right thing backfires so badly that you just want to disappear. In this article, we found 10 stories that prove that even the best intentions can turn into painfully awkward moments you’ll never live down. It’s like accidentally hitting “reply all” on an embarrassing message — once it happens, there’s no taking it back!

Preview photo credit Unknown author / Reddit


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