Some people seem to be more unlucky than others, experiencing terrible inconveniences that make them want to crawl back into bed. However, these individuals have turned their misfortunes into something positive by sharing hilarious stories about their mishaps. Thus, we’ll delve into the stories of those who started their day like any other, only to end with a tale to tell.
2. “Hubby who’s been unemployed for 9 months finally landed a job. 5 minutes after clocking in, he trips on some carpet and breaks his leg.”
3. “It is stuck in the locked position.” 4. “Nothing wakes you up like your cat scooting across the floor at 7:30 AM.” Eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. “Dog ate my Animal Crossing.” BAAAAAAAAAAD DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. “They charged me $2.37 to add tomatoes to 3 crunchy tacos. This is how many tomatoes I got.”
7. “So I just got catfished by an open house.” 8. “I had a cystic pimple on my forehead that swelled up pretty good. Then the swelling migrated down, and now I look like an Animorph.”
9. “This is why the sun does not wake me up in the morning.”
10. “On my flight.”
11. “The way my flatmate changed the roll of toilet paper.”
12. “Bought tickets for me and my dad to see a concert, and this is my seat.”
13. “Most inconsistent sunburn ever” um pull up your underwear!
14. “Both things happened to me today .” 15. “For a month, I thought I had lost my wedding ring . I called gas stations and pawn shops. We realized it was under my husband’s deodorant.”