10 Brain Teasers That Will Keep Your Brain Sharp and Fit

Since Heidi Klum surprised her fans by posting a picture of her indulging in a big slice of pizza, we’ve been hearing many supermodels admit their love to fast food. Surprisingly enough, it turned out that starving and denying yourself your favorite food have nothing to do with being in good shape, even in high fashion.
Bright Side has learned some of the secrets that help supermodels look gorgeous and healthy without torturing themselves with strict diets.
This supermodel and mom of 4 kids is often asked about the diet she follows to look so gorgeous and young. In her interviews, Heidi says that there is no particular diet she is following except for healthy eating that implies cooking at home instead of eating out. She believes that when you eat out or when you order food you can’t control what’s added to each meal. Heidi has one more secret: she eats her last meal at 6 p.m. and gives her body more time to digest her food and burn the extra calories on its own.
Josephine Skriver successfully combines morning workouts and nutritious breakfasts, which makes her day highly productive. Her key to fighting hunger is always having a bunch of snacks that can be easily carried in her bag. The model chooses nut or protein bars, instant-oatmeal packets and fruit. Josephine also has “treat days,” as she calls them, when she can eat pizza, burgers, or her favorite dark chocolate.
In one of her Snapchat posts the Victoria’s Secret model claimed that eating a grilled cheese with fries and ketchup is her daily routine. It may be hard to believe, but Bella knows how to enjoy simple culinary pleasures like pizza which she particularly likes. This may sound like a dream diet for many of us, but our bodies are different, and while eating pizza does no harm to Bella’s shape, it may have the opposite effect on others.
If you look through Kendall’s social media accounts you’ll see pictures of junk food that she occasionally posts. Generally sticking to healthy eating, she often enjoys the so-called “cheat meals” to treat herself. Cheating within a diet gives you a planned permission to eat something not so healthy (but so badly wanted) and reduces the psychological stress you may feel when restraining yourself. When it comes to fashion shows, however, Kendall prefers healthy snacks like fruits and vegetables and drinks detox tea.
Health, beauty, and fitness blogger Lisa Lorles shares fitness and healthy eating tips on her YouTube channel. Surprisingly enough, her healthy recipes do not exclude bread, pancakes, or even doughnuts. Lisa doesn’t count calories, but she makes sure she eats healthy food rich in vitamins, minerals, and complex carbohydrates. Her secret is choosing highly energetic and filling food for breakfast, like oat pancakes with maple syrup, and drinking a lot of water in between her meals.
Miranda Kerr sticks to a healthy diet, but she is definitely not starving. To start the day and wake up the body, Miranda drinks a cup of hot water with fresh lemon. During the day she has fruit and vegetable smoothies, salmon with a fresh salad, and a slow roasted chicken. One of the meals Miranda likes to cook for her son and herself is oat and banana pancakes which make up a healthy and tasty breakfast.
Alessandra starts her day with eggs and avocado toast, drinks some green juice after a morning workout, and then has something nutritious for lunch and dinner, like chicken, fish, sushi, or Brazilian BBQ. Her secret to her perfect shape is staying hydrated throughout the day and drinking lots of green tea which has a lot of health benefits. In particular, green tea can boost your metabolism and increase fat burning.
Rosie admits that she follows a strict diet, which implies having no diary, no gluten, no sugar, and no alcohol. However, she can’t completely stay away from tasty food and beverages and that’s why she follows the so-called “80/20” rule. Following this system you should eat healthy 80 percent of the time and allow yourself some “cheating” the other 20 percent of the time. “I try and still make smart choices but you know, if I’m going to have some French fries, or if I’m going to share a pudding or a desert with somebody, you want to enjoy those things in life,” said Rosie.
Cara is often spotted eating fast food in between fashion shows and photoshoots. While many models stick to strict diets, she has a pretty relaxed approach toward her diet plan. On the contrary, she is sure that being told to lose weight and having to starve is just horrible. Even though she’s into pizza, burgers, and other “junk food,” Cara never forgets about working out and loses extra calories at the gym.
Gigi Hadid made headlines when she chowed down on a burger on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. It turns out that Gigi tried a burger from a new restaurant every week during her first year in New York City. While enthusiastically taking bites of her favorite food, the model said that she lives by the motto: “Eat clean to stay fit — eat a burger to stay sane.”
There’s no doubt that the tips we’ve just told you about are effective for the heroines of our article. We are all different, however, and if this or that tip doesn’t work for you, keep searching and trying and you will finally find what’s good for you. No matter what your goals are, don’t forget to start with body positivity and love for yourself!
Which of these tips would you like to try? Do you have your own ideas on how to look perfect without strict diets? Share your thoughts in the comments!