10 Valentine’s Day Stories That Make Being Single Look Like a Blessing

month ago

Valentine’s Day is all fun and romance until it turns into a chaotic mess you’ll be telling your friends about for years. Some dates can go horribly wrong and backfire in spectacular ways. These stories prove that sometimes, being single is the real happily ever after.


Meet a guy from OKCupid. He seems nice, but never stops talking. After interrupting me for the 3rd or 4th time, I ask him, "Do you want to hear anything I have to say?" He apologizes, says, "You're right, I'm so sorry!" and pulls out a pad of paper and a pen.

He then jots notes as I'm telling him about myself and whatnot. I ask him what he's doing and he says, "Oh, I'm writing down things I want to tell you when it's my turn to talk again."

Breakfast27 / Reddit


A pretty brunette walked in and sat down at the bar. I asked if she'd like to see a dinner menu. She explained that she was waiting for a date. The guy arrived with a large bag, which he sat down next to him.

It was immediately obvious this date was their first. Their conversation was lurching from forced to downright painful when he reached into the bag and pulled out an album containing...his Pokémon card collection.

He set the book on the bar and thumbed through each page, lovingly describing every card, attempting to educate his date. She feigned an emergency and called her friend to pick her up. He stayed and ate a plain hamburger at the bar. Both of these people were in their mid-30s.

Unknown author / Reddit


I waited tables at a Mexican restaurant while I was in college. A couple was sitting at a table not in my section. The guy gets down on one knee and proposes with an unopened black box. The girl said, "Can I see the ring first?"

He opened the box, and she hesitated and then said, "Ok". A couple I was waiting on couldn't stop talking about it. They were both mortified for the guy. Then we all wondered if they'd actually get married or how long the marriage would last.

Janaruns / Reddit


Some guy on Valentine's Day came in and asked us to write on the cup "Will you marry me?". It didn't go well. She looked at the cup while he went down on one knee. She said nothing, put the cup back down and just walked away shaking her head.

He, on the other hand, got pissed and started to rant about how she should have gotten over him sleeping with her sister already. We had to ask him to leave.

TheThrowawayFox / Reddit


Saw a couple have a full on argument at a restaurant. I wasn’t their server, but the table was directly in the center of the restaurant, and they were certainly loud enough for everyone to hear.

My manager kindly asked them to leave and the guy's response was to yell, "I’ve been wanting to do that for 2 years now" and stormed out.

PackersFan8712 / Reddit


A couple sitting at the bar were enjoying their night out. The man got up from his barstool and left for the bathroom. As his girlfriend was alone at the bar, a woman approached and revealed that she recently matched with the woman’s boyfriend on Tinder and had hooked up a week earlier.

The girlfriend refused to believe this story, so the woman showed her his Tinder profile and their conversation. The boyfriend returned to a sobbing and screaming girlfriend. I felt like I was watching a reality TV show.

The poor girl just discovered he'd been cheating on her for who knows how long. It was the most dramatic moment I have ever experienced, and it was absolutely none of my business.

t97brandt / Reddit


I worked at a fine dining restaurant years ago. A middle-aged guy comes up to me, hands me a gorgeous sapphire and diamond ring and asks me to have the pastry chef include it with his companion's dessert.

The chef found beautiful blooms to decorate her dessert plate and placed the ring in the middle of one. She saw the ring, took it out of the flower, and placed it on the table. Then, she picked up her fork and started to eat her dessert without saying anything at all.

The ring must have been an extravagant "I screwed up" apology on his part, and she was having none of it. I was tempted to say if she doesn't want the ring, I do!

Kara_S / Reddit


My wife and I went to Cheesecake Factory for lunch. Next to us, a dude proposed to his girlfriend. The waitress was filming it, people were watching, she saw the ring and started crying, he smiled, and all looked good.

20 minutes later, she was still crying, covering her face, and he wasn’t smiling anymore. I couldn’t hear well enough to know what they were talking about, but they kept speaking in low voices. Didn’t look good.

BurrSugar / Reddit


I often eat alone and people watch, and first dates are almost always painfully obvious. Worst one I ever saw, two people who were probably perfect for each other; they were both completely self-absorbed.

They both started stories and kept telling them at the same time. They weren't even listening, just talking at each other. I was enraptured by the sheer insanity of it, I didn't eat for like 45 minutes as they both just yapped away, barely stopping.

Zeruvi / Reddit


I was on a date with a girl who seemed great. It starts getting to the basic questions. I asked, "Do you really want to work in an office? Did you go to school for it?" "Actually," she says, reaching into her bag. "I'm going to clown school."

I kid you not, this girl pulled out a red clown nose and put it on. If this was our 3rd date, I would have been less shocked. However, we'd been talking for a week and this is the first date. We're supposed to impress each other, but she was good-looking, and I wanted to hook up.

"Oh! That's so cool. I didn't know clown school was actually a thing."

"Oh, no, it's competitive!"

"I had no idea. So are you in clown university, clown college, clown technical school?"

She took my joke as an attack. For a clown she had a terrible sense of humor.

AlfieTorpedo / Reddit

Some jobs don’t just challenge your skills, they challenge your relationships too. In this article, 10 people share careers that have a way of turning romance into a distant memory faster than a bad first date. When work takes over your time, energy, and sanity, keeping a relationship intact can feel like an impossible task.

Preview photo credit BurrSugar / Reddit


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