10 Wild Stories That Show Karma Never Misses a Beat

month ago

Karma has a way of keeping things balanced, often in the most unexpected and hilarious ways. Whether it’s instant payback for bad behavior or a long-overdue twist of fate, these real-life stories prove that what goes around truly does come around. Sometimes, justice is served with perfect timing, leaving everyone watching in awe—or laughter. From small everyday moments to jaw-dropping coincidences, karma always finds a way to make its presence known.


"I was driving down the highway, minding my own business, when a guy speeding like a race car driver decided to tailgate me as closely as possible. I was already going a solid 80 mph while passing some cars in the left lane. After I cleared the group, I moved over to let him pass, and he rudely flipped me off as he zoomed by.

Not even 10 minutes later, I drove past a police officer who had pulled him over. I couldn’t help but laugh—it was almost as satisfying as seeing the funniest cat pictures online!" Unknown author / Reddit


"My ex had an affair, and when I caught her, our divorce settlement left me with the house, the kids—pretty much everything. She got to keep her car, though, which was an expensive one she absolutely loved.

About a year later, she planned to marry the guy she had the affair with. They drove her beloved car to Tennessee for a long weekend, planning to tie the knot on Friday morning. After arriving Thursday night and spending the night, they got up, dressed for the ceremony, and headed to the parking lot—only to find that her car had been stolen. On her wedding day!" boxingdude / Reddit


"A few years ago in college, I shared a dorm with two roommates. They were both pretty nice, but at the end of the year, they moved out in a hurry, leaving behind quite a mess. I was stuck cleaning the entire dorm, which took a while.

As I was finishing up, I picked up a bag one of them had left behind and found an envelope inside. To my surprise, it contained $240 that they had clearly forgotten about. Needless to say, I kept the money—as fair payment for all the cleaning I had to do!" SystemBurn / Reddit


"I found a wallet and new phone on the road, with a lot of money and cards with them. I managed to call the number on the phone and the owner came and got the phone and wallet. He was so relieved he gave me all the money in the wallet, nearly 500 bucks." Carliiful / Reddit


"I was around 12 at the time when I saw a college-age girl walk up to a phone booth. She dug through her purse, looking flustered. Using my limited 12-year-old critical thinking skills, I figured she didn’t have enough change to make a call. This was before cell phones were widespread, but I had one (only child, overprotective parents, etc.), so I offered it to her. She was very grateful.

Flash forward two days—I got on a bus only to realize I was short… well, almost the entire fare. As I was digging through my pockets, ready to get off, an older woman noticed and kindly paid my fare for me." Rhesonance / Reddit


"The first girl I dated was named Emily, and had a best friend named Maggie. The second girl I dated was named Maggie and had a best friend named Shelby. The third girl I dated was named Shelby and had a best friend named Julia. The current girl I'm seeing is named Julia. I only realized this about a month ago." DMonk52 / Reddit


"If my life were a book, people would probably complain that the author was lazy for not coming up with enough unique details. My son's name is Joshua, but thanks to my boyfriend, who could never seem to remember it, he ended up with the unexpected nickname "Sparky." (I argued against it, but he insisted he liked the name.) Years later, he's all grown up, and I moved to Korea.
One day, I'm playing D&D with my new boyfriend and some friends. My boyfriend brings along someone new to join the game—a younger player, about ten years younger than the rest of us, but eager to play. He introduces him as "Joshua," and I immediately feel a bit of warmth toward him because of the name.
Then, the new Josh says his character's name is "Sparky."
And at that moment, I just sat there thinking, "Well, okay, universe—you’re really not even trying anymore." sirius_violet / Reddit


"Back in 2001, my husband (then boyfriend) bought an expensive guitar pedal after saving up for a long time. In 2003, when we were struggling financially, he made the tough decision to pawn it so we could afford groceries that week.

Fast forward to 2009—we’re at a flea market 100 km away, casually browsing. In a dusty box on the ground, he spots an identical guitar pedal! Since we were in a much better place financially, he decided to buy it, having never come across another like his old one.

We get into the car, and as he turns it over, he freezes. There, on the back, was the exact same smiley face our then-2-year-old had carved into it six years before. It was his pedal." somecrazyb***d / Reddit


"I found a wallet in the parking lot outside of my building one morning when I went to work, looked through it, found the ID of a person who lived in the building. It was pretty early in the morning so I didn't want to wake them up to give them the wallet so I put it in her mailbox.

Not 3 days later a guy knocks on my door with my wallet in his hand that he had found in the parking lot that morning, I didn't even know it was lost." oddvr / Reddit


I work at a beauty salon. A woman called and asked, "I know that Margaret P. has an appointment at your salon tomorrow at 12. Will a limo fit in your parking lot? It’s crucial that I park it right in front of your window." I said it wouldn’t be a problem. Then she added, "I need an appointment an hour earlier than Margaret P. This woman must see me getting into my limo because she is my former college professor.
Once, I made a presentation about my dream business in class and said that if I succeeded, I would buy myself a limo. She mocked me in front of everyone. But I built a hugely successful business and bought my dream car. Now, I want her to see that she was wrong."
Curious, I booked her the appointment. The next day, right at noon, Margaret P. walked out of the salon just as the limo door swung open. The woman stepped inside, locking eyes with her former professor.
Margaret’s jaw dropped. For a moment, she just stood there, speechless. Then, without a word, she turned and walked away.
As the limo pulled off, the woman smiled and said, "Worth every penny."

"My husband broke up with the "love of his life" before he met me. We got married and moved to a new city. That woman also got married and moved to the same city. Now, every single week, she comes to our home because I am..." Click here to find out how the story ends!


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