108-Year-Old Woman Believes the Secret to Longevity Is Choosing DOGS Over Children

11 months ago

In the heart of Derbyshire, a remarkable soul recently marked a milestone that few have the privilege to reach. Ada’s unconventional secret to longevity unveils a charming facet of her personality.

Ada Daniel, a recently celebrated 108-year-old resident of Derbyshire, received over 300 birthday cards, including one from King Charles III and Queen Camilla, marking her remarkable longevity.

Ada, who attributes her long life to having dogs instead of children, shared her unconventional secret in an interview. Care home activity coordinator Kelly Goucher described Ada as a vibrant personality and recounted Ada’s preference for dogs over kids, especially her fondness for greyhounds.

“I did ask her what her secret was once, and she said it was to have dogs, not kids,” said Goucher. “She had a lot of greyhounds. She lived on Street Lane and all of her greyhounds were also called Street Lane.”

Anticipating Ada’s birthday, the care home where she’s staying initiated a birthday card appeal for her on Facebook. The post encouraged well-wishers to send cards to help Ada celebrate her 108th birthday. The response was overwhelming, with 135 messages flooding in by the following morning. A joyous Ada was pictured sipping a summery juice in a shared photo on the home’s Facebook page.

Born in Ambergate in 1915, Ada married her late husband Percy at the age of 27 in 1944. Despite not having children, the couple shared a fulfilling life until Percy’s passing at 73. Ada only entered a care facility at 103, enjoying an independent life for most of her years. Reports suggest that Ada is the 65th oldest person in the UK.


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