17 Things You Won’t Believe Were Created by Nature

Planning a baby may be the most crucial decision in one’s life. But having twins might put you through a myriad of completely different emotions, and celebrities are no exception. They also may be a little bit shocked, having no idea what to do next. But thankfully, there are other twin parents out there that share their thoughts on how they’ve managed to cope with their emotions and enjoy their life in a new extended family.
George Clooney and his wife now share 5-year-old twins. But the actor openly admits he was terrified to find out they were about to have those 2 angels. It simply wasn’t part of the couple’s plans. Besides, it was quite unexpected for the actor, who’s 61 now. He even said, “It was such a disaster. Now, it’s the greatest thing in the world.”
Lance Bass and Michael Turchin officially became the parents of twins in 2021. Bass announced the thrilling news on his Instagram, saying, “The baby dragons have arrived.” He thanked everyone for the kind wishes, but all in all, he couldn’t find words to express how much love he felt at the moment. He only asked, “Now, how do you change a diaper??! Ahhhhhhhh!”
For Kristen Wiig, it was a very long road to motherhood. She couldn’t get pregnant for several years and underwent many procedures. But eventually, she and her husband had twins via surrogate.
What helped her to overcome all the struggles was “reading about other women who went through it and talking to those who have gone through IVF and fertility stuff.” And today, she’s finally able to grow her own babies, lying around and smiling at them. She says she can’t wait to see them every morning. At 49, it has been an even more overwhelming experience for her.
Having more babies on the way, Graham was beginning to process what this next chapter would mean for them. The year had been “full of tiny surprises, big griefs, familiar beginnings, and new stories.” And now they feel blessed, grateful, and excited to celebrate their growing family. She even jokes, “Just call me Stonyfield.”
Though Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez are no longer together, they share twins who joined their family in 2008. On their tenth birthday, J.Lo wrote that the “2 forces of nature” came into her world and changed her life forever. On their 10th birthday, she wrote, “You healed my soul and rejuvenated my existence.” They’ve also taught her a lot about love, life, and herself in ways she never imagined.
Celine Dion also struggled with infertility for a long time. But finally, in 2010, she and her husband welcomed their twins born by IVF. The children helped her through the grieving process when her husband passed away, and she’s closer to them than ever now. “They are comforting me a lot. I need them. I need them close,” said the singer.
So she made it so she didn’t have to feel lonely. They’ve got a huge bed and sleep together in it. And when it’s time for them to say they want to go to their room, their rooms are there waiting for them.
Chris Hemsworth and his wife gave birth to their magnificent twins in 2014. 2 years earlier, a daughter joined their family. The actor says he wants them all to have a great appreciation for everything.
He himself grew up with very little money, so his parents were his absolute heroes. His children are growing up in a different financial situation, but still, he wants them to know all these things don’t come easy, you have to work for them. And all in all, success is more about values than any material object.
Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka both wanted to be dads biologically, so they had to donate their material and join it with 2 eggs, hoping they would both take. And they miraculously did! However, the actor has no interest in finding out which twin is his biological child. They are both their parents and he loves them implicitly.
Today, his 12-year-old twins whoop his butt on the regular at his favorite Nintendo games. He admits it’s demoralizing, but he’ll take it, and he loves to watch them laugh at him all the time.
The Supernatural star and his wife chose very unique names for their twins: Zeppelin Bram and Arrow Rhodes. The actor explained the meaning behind the first one, saying, “There’s a knot known as the zeppelin blend and his cord was tied around him.” For the daughter, they wanted her to have AA initials, and they both liked Arrow.
The couple doesn’t often open up about one another, but Anna Kournikova admits that kids were definitely on her agenda, even though marriage itself wasn’t ever a priority. She wanted to have children, whether they be her own or adopted. And she loves taking care of people.
According to Enrique Iglesias, she is more than the right fit for the job of “mom.” In his opinion, she would be an ideal mother to their twins regardless of whether he was with her or not. And though the couple is extremely private, they still share some pictures of their happy family life.
Julie Bowen openly admitted she “didn’t want twins as a second go-around.” She thought she’d be too overwhelmed to handle twins, already having a toddler in the house. But, as it turns out, she’s doing just fine. And she even gives the nannies weekends off, dealing with all the kids herself quite perfectly.
It seems like everything worked out quite well for our celebrity couples. And what about you? Have you ever dreamed about having twins? Have you or your friends ever faced similar issues?