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A tattoo is a great way to express yourself and your values or to pay tribute to your loved ones. We have selected celebrity tattoos with the best stories behind them. You probably wouldn’t be able to guess their meaning by yourself.
Actress Kate Beckinsale has revealed a second tattoo tribute to her beloved cat, Clive, who passed away in June. She had previously unveiled her first tattoo in his memory two weeks ago. The second tattoo is a sketch of Clive’s eyes on the back of her shoulder.
Kate shared photographs of herself wearing a white strapless garment on Instagram, which allowed her to show off her new body art. She wrote, “How can a light that burned so brightly suddenly burn so pale. Love you always.”
Tom Hardy boasts a collection of tattoos, a total of 30 to be precise. However, one of these inked artworks carries a particularly intriguing backstory, and it all came about due to a bet gone awry.
Back in 2016, Hardy made a bet with Leonardo DiCaprio, asserting that he wouldn’t secure an Oscar for his performance in “The Revenant.” Nevertheless, Leo held a differing opinion and, as it turned out, a more accurate one. In the end, Tom clinched the coveted award and acquired a new tattoo adorning his arm, boldly declaring, ’Leo Knows All.’
Among the 16 tattoos gracing Selena Gomez’s skin, there’s a single one in Arabic, a design she had been contemplating for some time. The singer was determined to etch her self-love mantra into permanence, and the tattoo’s translation reads, “Love yourself first.”
Jason Momoa sports a captivating tattoo with a distinctive design akin to a series of black triangles encircling his arm like a bracelet. As per the actor’s explanation, this tattoo encapsulated a tribal emblem symbolizing a shark, a creature integral to his family’s heritage and believed to offer protection against the shadows of life.
Rihanna has a fondness for tattoos, as they serve as a potent means of conveying her unique personal style. The singer sports a substantial chest tattoo that portrays the majestic wingspan of the Egyptian Goddess Isis, revered as an embodiment of the quintessential mother and wife. This inked artwork holds a special significance, as it is a loving tribute to her cherished grandmother.
Emma Stone’s tattoo, featuring bird footprints delicately etched on her wrist, serves as a heartfelt homage to her mother, who bravely battled breast cancer and emerged victorious. These footprints symbolize her mother’s cherished song, “Blackbird” by Paul McCartney, with the added touch that the renowned singer himself designed the tattoo.
Today, both the actress and her mother proudly display these endearing yet profoundly meaningful matching tattoos.
Sam Smith bears a minimalist tattoo featuring two parallel lines etched on one of their fingers. However, the backstory behind this seemingly straightforward tattoo carries a deeper complexity. It draws inspiration from one of the oldest tattoos ever discovered on a mummified body entombed in ice, a solitary figure from the annals of history.
Throughout his career, Eminem has adorned his arms with vibrant tattoos, each carrying profound significance. Among them, the inked portrait of a young girl graces his skin—representing his daughter, Halie Jade, nestled amidst a bed of roses. Additionally, etched on his left forearm, the word “Proof” is a poignant tribute to his friend, the rapper Proof.
Halsey proudly displays an extensive collection of tattoos numbering over 40, each varying in size and design. Among these is a horseshoe tattoo, although it carries an unusual twist, positioned upside down. Historically, an upside-down horseshoe has symbolized good luck in numerous cultures. However, Halsey’s decision to ink it in this orientation signifies that she doesn’t rely on luck in her life.
Harry Styles undoubtedly claims the top spot on our list, boasting over 60 tattoos. However, one in particular piqued our interest—a mermaid adorning his forearm. When questioned why the mermaid didn’t conform to conventional ideals of perfection, Harry responded with a profound message: pursuing perfection is unnecessary, and one should embrace and love oneself just as they are.
Jessica Alba’s wrist tattoo, adorned with the word “lotus” written in Sanskrit, carries a poignant backstory. The actress had this tattoo inked after experiencing her first breakup, with the symbolism centered on “the manifestation of spiritual beauty.” Notably, her former partner had a strong aversion to tattoos, rendering the tattoo a symbol of personal growth and an emblem of her newfound freedom.
Among the many tattoos adorning Angelina Jolie’s body, one bears a significant inscription—Roman numerals that read 13/5/1940. This date marks a pivotal moment in history when a renowned politician uttered the iconic words: “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.”
These 12 celebrities have already shared their remarkable tattoo stories with us, but our tattoo journey is far from over. In our next installment, we’ll explore an even larger canvas of famous ink, unveiling 20 more captivating stories that will leave you hungry for more.