How 12 Miss Universe Winners Have Transformed Over the Years

6 hours ago

In a world where everyone insists that beauty fades faster than a bad spray tan, we couldn’t help but put this theory to the test. Is it really all downhill after the crown, or does timeless beauty actually exist? With curiosity and maybe a little nostalgia, we set out to see how former Miss Universe winners have defied the clock.

1. Demi-Leigh Tebow, Miss Universe 2017

2. Iris Mittenaere, Miss Universe 2016

3. Pia Wurtzbach, Miss Universe 2015

4. Paulina Vega, Miss Universe 2014

5.Gabriela Isler, Miss Universe 2013

Anthony Behar/Sipa USA/East News, © gabrielaisler / Instagram

6. Olivia Culpo, Miss Universe 2012

mpi27/MediaPunch Inc./EAST NEWS, © oliviaculpo / Instagram

7. Ximena Navarrete, Miss Universe 2010

8. Lara Dutta, Miss Universe 2000

ASSOCIATED PRESS/East News, © larabhupathi / Instagram

9. Alicia Machado, Miss Universe 1996

East News, PacificCoastNews/BWP Media/East News

10. Dayanara Torres, Miss Universe 1993


11. Mona Grudt, Miss Universe 1990

12. Bárbara Palacios, Miss Universe 1986

By flipping this tired stereotype on its head, we’re diving into the fascinating layers of beauty—because let’s be real, it’s not just about youth and flawless selfies. Our mission? To prove that true beauty isn’t just a fleeting moment, but a lasting force that defies expectations and stands the test of time!

Preview photo credit ASSOCIATED PRESS/East News, larabhupathi / Instagram, mpi27/MediaPunch Inc./EAST NEWS, oliviaculpo / Instagram


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