12 Precious Sibling Memories That Left a Mark on People's Lives

Family & kids
month ago

Sibling memories are some of the most treasured memories that we hold on to, and often it’s a tug-of-war between love and hate. But one thing is for sure, when our own armor falls off, our siblings can surprisingly be more than willing to take up a sword to face our giants with us. Here are 12 people whose siblings left an everlasting mark on their hearts and a smile on ours.

  • This was when I was around 9 and my sister was around 4. I was teasing her in the absence of our mom when she got fed up and ran to her in the kitchen crying and complaining about me. This was the conversation that happened:
    Sis (crying): Mom, Mom, Shikhar is irritating me! He’s been at it for very long now.
    Mom: Tell him that I’m coming, and he must beware.
    Sis (running to the room towards me): Shikhar, Shikhar, hide! Mum’s coming to scold you!
    This brings a smile to my face whenever I recall this, even after 15 years. I just feel like hugging my sister. The sheer innocence and love that children have is really humbling. Shikhar Mathur / Quora
  • I was a few months old, and my brother was just able to walk/toddle a few steps. It happened one day that I was in my cradle and suddenly started crying. At that time my mother was in the kitchen, my brother was toddling drinking water from his bottle and my father wasn’t around.
    My cry was loud, and my mother was in between some work...she decided to attend to me after finishing up. But suddenly, my crying stopped, and that was for her an alarming situation.
    She left her work mid-way and rushed to the bedroom, only to find my brother had put his bottle of water into my mouth, and I was sucking at it in peace. Swateek Jena / Quora
  • My sister spent months saving for her dream prom dress—light blue, delicate lace. A week before prom, the money vanished. We just knew our stepdad took it. My mom was furious, and my sister was devastated.
    I couldn’t do much, but I wanted to fix this for her. So, I went to my closet and pulled out a shoebox with just a small stash from my odd jobs inside. I took her to a thrift shop.
    At first, she just stared at the racks, but then she found it—another blue dress, different but perfect. She hesitated at the price tag until I handed her my crumpled bills. That night, she walked out glowing. She hugged me and said, “You saved my prom.”
  • When I was in 7th grade, my brother got Black Ops 1. I faked being sick just to stay home and play it. When my parents left for work, I stayed up and went to my brother’s room to look for it, but it wasn’t there, not even the case. I was pissed because I thought he took it to school with him, so I couldn’t play it.
    As I came back into my room, I found it sitting on top of my Xbox with a note on it that told me some tips for the game and how to access some Easter eggs. That was one of the first times we bonded over something, and I thought my big brother was the coolest dude for doing it. 2_F_Jeff / Reddit
  • I have a younger sister. This was during our childhood, when she attended a traditional kindergarten in our neighborhood and I attended a nearby primary school. During her snack break there, the teacher used to give all students some peanuts daily. She would have half of them there & keep the other half wrapped in her handkerchief for me.
    When Dad came to pick her up from school, she would hold those peanuts so carefully that she avoided holding the scooter properly while standing in the front. Dad would always get wild at her for not holding the scooter properly, as she might fall.
    One fine day, he saw a little hand tightly holding 4 peanuts wrapped in a handkerchief, totally drenched in sweat. This gesture brings tears to my eyes even today. Srinivas Bhat Bantwal / Quora
  • Once, my brother stole a piece of cake for me from his friend’s birthday party. He was 5 years old then, and it was his first party which he attended without me. He kept that piece in his pants pocket (so intelligent). I love him. Archana Mungee / Quora
  • She got into a fist fight with 8 seniors on our school bus when she saw me being ragged by them and one of them punched me in the face. She scratched, punched, and bit all those 8 guys; she seemed just like a wild animal protecting its kids. She then came over to me and started working on the punch wound on my face, crying the whole time.
    I was stunned by her sheer love, courage, and compassion. She was in 6th standard, I was in 4th. Nishant Kumar / Quora
  • My husband died. My brother, who hadn’t been around for years, moved in to help take care of me, my house, and my sons. Really, truly changed his life to help us for about a year. I truly gained respect and love for him. eastcoastme / Reddit
  • I remember sitting on the stairs together, while our parents screamed at each other, my sister's arm around me. I was younger and didn't fully understand what was happening, but I knew my sister did, and I was so glad I had her, and she had me, rather than one of us experiencing this alone. Usidore_ / Reddit
  • I was extremely sick one day — coughing, sneezing, the last number of a bad cold. I had to go to work that day, though, because I couldn’t afford to stay home. Seeing how bad of a state I was in, my younger brother — who was home for the holidays and was supposed to be relaxing at home — decided to drive me to work, which was a 45-minute drive away, and he waited for 6 hours for my shift to end, to drive me back home again.
  • I (20) was hanging with my little sister (6). I showed her a pic of me that came up on Facebook, memories from when I was 10. After jokingly asking if she knows who it is, she said it was me then asked why I wasn’t smiling, I said, “Because I’ve always hated pictures.” She responded with “I looooove pictures,” and I said, “Well yeah because you’re cute, and I’m not.”
    This is where she made my entire week. She said, “Yes you are, you’re handsome.” I love my sister. theoneofallandmany / Reddit
  • My brother is 11 years older than me. When I was just a little dude, every time I was scared or had a bad dream, he let me sleep in his bed while he slept on the ground.
    We never had any kind of beef, ever. And I am proud of that. I love my brother. I am 21 and he is 32 now. DiceDaldron / Reddit

Check out these 15 heartwarming sibling stories that made us shed a tear, or two, of joy.


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