9 Irony Lovers Who Never Miss the Chance to Laugh at Themselves

2 weeks ago

It’s so great to be able to laugh at our own flaws. People who treat themselves with humor cope with difficulties better than others and turn disadvantages into advantages. Do you want to get rid of your flaws that seem to be taking over your life? Try to be as positive as the people below.

9. Accept yourself the way you are.

8. For those who set their own photos as wallpaper

7. Undoubtedly...

6. “My wife told me to get dressed up for professional Christmas photos. I think I nailed it.”

5. “Some cop in my hometown is winning Halloween.”

4. The best review

3. “I was lost in China but I saw this extremely helpful sign.”

2. When you have a good sense of humor and a vivid imagination:

1. “Me about to be kidnapped in 1984”

Do you usually laugh at yourself? Tell us your stories in the comment section!

Please note: This article was updated in December 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit Holdenl2121 / Reddit


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