Birds are more than just beautiful creatures—they’re surprisingly intelligent too! Some, like crows and parrots, can use tools, solve puzzles, recognize faces, and even plan ahead. Their intelligence is often compared to a young child’s, which makes them some of the cleverest animals out there. Here are 13 times birds showed they’re the real owners of the world.
1. “I only wish more people were like this crow.”
2. “Was awoken by a strange bird song this morning. Peeked through the blinds and saw this.”
3. “My neighbors found this young kestrel and called him Geralt. Birds of prey can be adorable too.”
4. “Friendly Australian King Parrot landed on my book as I was trying to identify it.”
5. “Popcorn is boarding at a local store I go to. Today he just needed a hug.”
6. “This little bird flew into my house.”
7. “A bird made a nest on my car while I was at the gym.”
8. “Crow helps hedgehog to cross the street.”
9. “Little family of birds on my tire.”
10. “Those who wear glasses around birds can probably relate.”
11. “This baby owl was not thrilled to see me.”
12. “This cute thing that was chased by seagulls flew right into me and chilled for almost 5 min.”
13. “A family of ducks have moved into our pool.”
If you love animals but struggle with allergies, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! Check out this article where we found 16 hypoallergenic pets that are perfect for allergy sufferers. You might just find your new best friend.