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There are things about your body, you know for sure. Or don’t you? Can you guess what is actually a myth or fact? 1 point is for each correct answer. Let me know your score!
Brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs. Myth or fact?
Myth. There is no study saying brown eggs are healthier than white eggs. The only difference is the color of the eggshell. The color of the eggshell doesn’t affect its nutrition or quality. That is related to the type of chicken. Chickens with white earlobes tend to have white eggs.
Have you ever heard that a large amount of the dust in your home is actually decanted skin? Not cool, I know. Do you think this is a myth or fact?
This is a myth! You are not just moping your skin flakes from the floor. Many other components make the house dust. Fibers, hair, building materials, mold, pollen, insect body parts, and ash are some of them, according to the study made in Canadian Houses. This makes sense because a house near a busy highway or in a renovation area has more dust than a house in the middle of a forest.
Skin is our largest organ. Is this a fact or myth?
It is a fact. You might think for a second that the intestine can be quite large when you unfold it but nope. Skin wins the contest. An adult carries around 8 pounds and 22 square feet of skin. Can’t think of us without a skin. It is not just there to cover our bodies. It has an essential role in protecting us too.
You can’t breathe and swallow at the same time. Myth or fact?
It is a fact. Maybe you already knew the correct answer, but you tried it anyway after reading this, so see it yourself. So in your throat, there are two passageways important for your survival. I’m putting aside the fancy medical names, and I’ll refer to those two as airway and food pipe.
They prevent breathing and swallowing simultaneously; otherwise, food would enter the airway and cause severe complications. This doesn’t always go as planned. That is why sometimes you end up coughing and preventing the piece of food from reaching the lungs.
As well as having unique fingerprints, humans also have unique tongue prints. Is it a myth or fact?
Fact! The human tongue is magnificent enough in its features that make us taste food. It is also unique in its texture. People use biometric systems like fingerprints, voice scans, and iris scans for authentication. They are important to the identification and verification phases.
Tongue print is unique, so it is very hard to copy it. It can be used as a biometric system tool too. What if people start using this system in their daily lives for safety reasons? Imagine locking a safe or your phone with a tongue print
An adult spends three hours in the bathroom every week. Do you think this is a fact or myth?
It is a fact. A poll by scientists reveals that an average adult spends three hours and nine minutes on their toilet every week. This is more than the time they spent exercising. Take your sweet time. No need to rush.
You swallow eight spiders a year while sleeping. Myth or Fact?
Don’t believe it. Lucky for us and — for the spiders, of course — this is not true. Fear no more, and have a good night’s sleep. Most spiders don’t deliberately come near humans.
Plus, vibrations coming from a sleeping person might be uncanny for them. Or maybe the spider just lives in the habitat. It thinks that you are flatmates sharing a room. As long as there is actual evidence, I call this a myth.
Your thigh bone can resist thousands of pounds of force. Do you think this is a myth or a fact?
Yes, this is a fact. People generally refer to it as tight bone, but its actual name is femur bone. This bone is located on the upper part of your leg. Experts say that this bone is hard to break. It is one of the two strongest bones in our anatomy.
The first one is the temporal bone of the skull. If you wondered about the first one. Anyway, a tight bone can support 30 times more of your body weight! Maybe it is because the femur bone is the longest and largest bone in the human body.
Do you believe that shaving your hair makes it grow back thicker? Myth or fact?
Watch how I debunk that myth. Experts say shaving doesn’t affect the thickness of the hair. The hair’s head didn’t remove, so the root is still there. You only shave the upper part. After a shave, the hair grows bluntly because it has been cut. That’s why you may feel like it is getting thicker.
It’s safe to eat food that’s been on the floor for five seconds or less. Is this a fact or a myth?
Sorry for blocking the best way you justify eating something that fell on the floor. There is no such thing as a 5-second rule. Researchers found that “a substantial amount of bacteria transferred to the food within five seconds.” The moisture of food directly affects contamination.
Imagine you drop a slice of watermelon and chips on the floor. I don’t know why you are eating both together or how you end up dropping them both. But let’s continue with this example anyway. The watermelon will have more contamination than chips. Because watermelon has more moisture in it. The surface of the watermelon is more open to transferring bacteria.
Blondes and redheads may soon disappear. Myth or fact?
An easy one, right? This is a myth. Red or blonde-colored hairs are connected to recessive genes. They can be carried from one generation to another without creating the hair color of the carrier. If both parents have the correct recessive genes, the chances are high that the next generation will have blonde or red hair.
These genes are rare, but populations still have those genes carried out, so they won’t get lost forever. For that to happen, literally everyone on the planet who carries that gene must disappear. So the chances are low.
Drinking coffee dehydrates you. Is it a fact or myth?
Myth! You can enjoy your morning coffee. Okay, you may visit the bathroom more frequently after drinking coffee. But it doesn’t mean you’re losing more water. There are numerous studies made about the effects of caffeine. Some of these studies revealed that drinking a reasonable amount of coffee a day doesn’t increase the risk of dehydration.
Eating yogurt helps your digestion. Do you think this is a fact or just another myth?
A fact — but with the right choice of yogurt. Yogurt is food containing probiotics. They are the good bacteria that make everything flow smoothly in your gut. Eating yogurt alone may not be enough to have a healthy digestive system. It supports the digestive system positively.
Keep in mind though not all yogurts are equal. Some of them have sugar in them, or they come with toppings like candy or cookies. Go for the classic ones.
Your hair will grow faster if you have it cut more often. Fact or myth?
We were always told not to cry too much over the hair we lost because it would grow back faster. Unfortunately, the hair growth rate doesn’t depend on how often you get a haircut. The average hair growth rate is 0.01 inches per day. Plus, many factors affect it: age, hormones, and even the time of year. Knowing this new fact may make some people postpone their hairdresser appointments.