14 Safety Measures You May Be Thankful to Know

Tips & tricks
2 years ago

Each year, millions upon millions of burglaries take place across the world, and many people end up losing many valuables. So it may be surprising that about 75% of homeowners don’t have any sort of home security. However, it’s quite understandable since not everyone can afford security at their home. That’s why there are other methods to protect yourself and those living with you.

1. How to keep your money perfectly safe

2. How to keep your bag safe while waiting in a public space

3. Place a mug on the door handle to make sure you’ll hear it if someone breaks in.

4. “DIY child safety lock for a razor”

5. “Dog beds make for affordable, safe, and comfortable places to let your kid stretch out on the floor.”

6. Break down boxes from expensive products.

7. Hide an extra key in an empty match box and bury it in a planter.

8. Use a fully protected and covered suitcase tag so it won’t be easy for anyone to see your address.

9. “Old socks = forearm protection when chipping trees”

10. You can hide your address on parcels by using a lighter to blacken the paper.

11. “How to secure your bag with only one padlock.”

12. “If you have a quick release and are locking your bicycle in public places, use a hose clamp to secure your seat, wheels, or anything else that could easily be taken.”

13. “If you like to listen to CDs but need to hide some cash”

14. Leave a pair of used boots on the front porch, so it looks like someone is inside.

Have you ever been in severe danger? If so, what did you have to do in order to escape? Have you ever used any of the methods shown above?

Preview photo credit BRIGHT SIDE / YouTube


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