14 Women Whose Patience Deserves a Monument

Girls stuff
8 months ago

Wonder women do exist: they are all around us. These are ordinary women who have patience and strength to withstand their irresponsible husbands or unhelpful friends, and many other things.

  • My sister is married. It's been 6 months since her husband has been out of work. They already have a daughter and now my sister is pregnant again. They couldn't pay the rent and came to live with us. But that's not all.
    Today, my sister asked me to look after the baby after it's born because she's going to work herself. I may be wrong, but why should I look after the baby after a hardworking day when there is a living father who does nothing. After I refused, she called me shameless who knows nothing about life. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • My son wanted to spend the weekend with his father. My husband and I have been divorced for 3 years. I told him to call his dad and make the arrangements himself. He called, but the father said he would be busy. My son came crying to me, saying that his daddy didn't love him anymore.
    In times like this, I feel pity that my ex and I didn't remain friends. Because I would have told him what I thought of him. We agreed with my son that this weekend we'll hang out together: we'll go eat pizza and take a walk in the park. He was still sad, but then said, "Mum, I love you so much!" © Mamdarinka / VK
  • The math teacher really disliked my son. Our boy is modest and quiet, he has never had any problems with other teachers or classmates. But this teacher gave him only bad grades and always complained about his behavior.
    I came to school to figure out what was going on, and it turned out that my son looked like her ex-husband, who left her with 2 children 30 years ago. And this was her way of getting back at him. Good thing I recorded our conversation on my phone. And after that, the teacher was fired from the school. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • I met a guy online, he asked me out. We met and went to the park. It was snowing and terribly cold, and I was freezing. I hoped that the guy would say that it was time for us to go somewhere warm, but it never happened.
    I had to tell him I was cold and had to go. But he didn't understand my hints at all. He led me through other streets, brought me to a multi-story building, and then said that it was his house, and it was time for us to say goodbye. That meant I walked him home in the cold. © Caramel / VK
  • A friend's washing machine broke down. So, she decided to find a service technician online. She found him, called him, and he soon arrived. He worked on it for quite some time, then said that it couldn't be repaired, and she needed to buy a new one.
    At the same time, he demanded a nice sum of money for his service. The friend was devastated because she had no money for a new washer. And then she met her new neighbor, who promised to take a look at the washer.
    After he checked it, it turned out that the tech had burnt the washer's electronic board, while the breakdown was very simple. They bought all necessary spare parts, and the guy repaired everything. She also found a lot of bad reviews on that tech, and she added her own as well. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • With our first child, the mother-in-law was over the moon and extra happy we were having a girl, because she never had a daughter. Bought her a whole wardrobe. With our second pregnancy, she was super excited until we found out it was girl #2.
    Suddenly all offers of buying things for the baby evaporated because, she told me flatly, we have everything we need (though I reminded her they would be born different times of year. She shrugged at this and suggested we just dress her in newborn summer clothes and use a blanket. In winter, in Wisconsin).
    She didn’t tell anyone in her family the gender, and they all assumed we weren’t finding out, that is how disappointed she was that we were having another girl. It was insane, and hurtful. She has absolutely no memory of any of it. She adores both granddaughters and would probably not believe it if we told her how she was. © SpeakerCareless / Reddit
  • My ex told me he would love me less and find me less attractive if I got a tattoo. Also, he said, in his exact words, “Once we get married, and you change your mind about the tattoo, I’m not paying for it to get it removed.” Having an opinion about tattoos is one thing, but acting like you own me and that I wouldn’t be self-sufficient enough to pay for my own leisurely expenses is extremely insulting. © CantoChad / Reddit
  • I hate watching movies and shows with my boyfriend because he takes this matter too seriously. For example, I just turn on a movie and watch it, but he has his own methodology. He needs to find out who the director is, when the movie was released, what other movies have been produced by this director. Also, the genre, starring actors and their previous roles.
    He reads it all a day before watching the movie, and then decides whether he wants to watch it. And when we start watching the movie, he tells me all about it. That's why he watches movies once a year on his own laptop, and I watch them almost every night on mine. © Caramel / VK
  • My best friend fell in love with a guy at work. She decided to run away with him but changed her mind.
    To cover up her actions, she told her husband that I talked her into running away with me because at the time I was getting a divorce. She told him I said we should both start over in a new city. Needless to say, she went back to him, and he thought I was a terrible person from then on. © lovestobeme / Reddit
  • The date that sticks out the most to me was a guy I met off of an app a few years ago. We met up at a brewery and we’re having an okay time. A few drinks in, he gets pretty serious and says he has a confession to make. Well…
    Turns out that he had an 8-year-old daughter that he left at home alone to go out with me and didn’t want to tell me about her because my profile said I didn’t want kids. It was unhinged. © TheoreticalResearch / Reddit
  • Both of my now ex-husbands were pretty much freeloaders. They didn’t start that way, and things seemed pretty equal until we were married. So, I thought I was getting “one of the good ones.”
    But my first husband was unemployed for 3 years and I still did all of the housework, and my second husband couldn’t get off his video games long enough to even feed himself. Now I have a nice partner and a fairly equal relationship, I told him I refuse to marry so that if he decides to stop helping I have the option to leave without getting the government involved. © Ra4455 / Reddit
  • My husband does absolutely nothing around the house and with our son. He does work and provides for us 8–9 hours a day, but after that he does absolutely nothing. I can’t even remember the last time he’s done anything around the house. He doesn’t clean, he doesn’t cook, he doesn’t clean up dinner, bath time, bedtime… nothing.
    I’ve asked again and again and again and all I get is “I worked all day I’m tired” as if I didn’t? I’m running on fumes...our son is 7 months old and extremely colicky. He cries pretty much 97% of the time he’s awake. Every day, I wear him in the body carrier (screaming and all) and clean the entire house, do all the laundry, grocery shopping, cook dinner every night, clean up dinner, bath time, bedtime all by myself.
    My final straw was tonight, as I was cleaning up dinner and doing the dishes, the husband sitting in his usual spot on the couch. Our son had a meltdown (it was his bedtime). While wearing him in the carrier and doing the dishes, I accidentally burnt his leg by bending over too far on the stove. It wasn’t a bad burn, but he was screaming by this time. After assessing the burn and putting ointment on it, I walked over to my husband and asked him to please go get the baby’s pajamas on, so I can get him in bed as soon as I’m done with the dishes.
    His reply was, “I’m tired. I’ve been working all day and I never got him dressed. I don’t even know what clothes to put on him - you always do it…” I dropped the dishes and went in the other room and broke down. I cannot keep doing this anymore. This will be the reason I file for divorce. I love my son more than anything, but I’ve never been more unhappy. © Future-Water-7563 / Reddit
  • I went to visit my mum. We were talking, and I blurted out, "My husband doesn't care whether I cook or not. If I cook - good, if I don't, he'll do it himself, order delivery, or we'll go to a cafe. We both work, we are tired, we want to rest, nobody forces anyone to do anything."
    So my mother started shouting, "And your daddy needed the full dinner! And I had to go to the market!" I asked her what this had to do with me. And in response I heard insults, it was obvious that it was resentment and envy.
    My dad died almost 10 years ago, 5 years before that my parents divorced. But she keeps on telling me about how horrible my "daddy" was. She doesn't call him anything else, and when I ask her not to do that, she yells that she can call him whatever she wants. It's not my fault he was like that, but my mum gets offended when I defend him.
    I heard her talking to her friends a couple of times about how I'm a lot like my daddy, and my older sister is an angel (we have different fathers). She constantly complains that I get everything and my sister gets nothing. And she also tries to convince me that she loves us equally. © Overheard / VK
  • My ex-husband takes revenge on me through my son. He warned me: if I start dating after the divorce, he'll stop spending time with our son. And I found a new man.
    So my ex suddenly stopped paying child support and blocked the child everywhere. The boy is scared, cries, and doesn't understand why his daddy is doing this to him. And his father didn't even come to his own son's seventh birthday. © Mamdarinka / VK

And if you want to raise your spirits, check out this article about women who proposed to their boyfriends and proved it was worth it.


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