10 Things Your Pets Would Beg For If They Could Speak

2 years ago

Elderly pet owners make 30% fewer doctor visits. It seems like the perfect reason to spoil your pet, if you have one. If you don’t, maybe this is the last straw you need to convince yourself to finally adopt a furry friend.

In order to spoil our cats and dogs even more, Bright Side put together a list of the things we would like to have if we were cats and dogs.

1. This FURminator will dramatically reduce the amount of hair around your home and will give you and your Hoover less work to do but more time to enjoy other (more chillaxing) activities. And let’s even mention the money you’ll save with your groomer. Warning: You may end up with a new cat or dog as a result:

Here are several hacks that will help you and your pet make the process more effective and avoid any pain:

  • Try rewarding your fluffy friends to relax them.
  • Remove large knots or tangles before bathing or brushing.
  • Wash your pet’s coat & make sure it’s dry before you start grooming.
  • Start with smooth, even strokes in the direction of the coat growth.
  • Apply a little pressure allowing the tool’s weight to do the work for you.
  • Be careful to avoid sensitive areas around the face & paws.

Use this brush 2–3 times a week for 10–15 minutes, and forget about hairy socks and T-shirts, allergy attacks, and tiring cleaning.

By the way, reviewers swear that their pets fall in love with this Furminator even though they hated being brushed before and shook like a leaf:

Happy buyer’s review: This is the best brush for combating the ever-present dog fur tumbleweeds in our house! We have had several dog brushes over the years to help get into the undercoat of our lab/red heeler mix and all have ended in disappointment. This is the first brush we have had that our dog actually sat still for the brushing and eventually laid down in order for us to finish. Most times, the brushes would either get stuck in her fur, pull at her fur, and cause her pain, or become clogged before finishing one pass, resulting in one of the other 2 previous issues.
Ended up removing a 2 ft x 2 ft x 8-inch pile of undercoat off our dog, who had been brushed earlier this week.
The brush is easy to assemble and has a sturdy rubber grip that allows you to hold onto it in humid weather without issue. The comb is easily cleared of fur and does not hurt the dog’s skin.
I would definitely recommend this brush if your dog sheds a lot. @Ryan

Get the brush from Amazon HERE.

2. If you have insatiable ball-chasing dogs, get this thrower, and you won’t be disappointed. It’ll challenge your doggo to run further and faster while making your job easier. You won’t have to ever bend down to pick up the ball. PLUS, this toy will surely enhance your hooman-Fido bond.


Step 1: Find an open area, away from people, animals, and buildings.

Step 2: With the ball inside the thrower, grip the handle firmly.

Step 3: Extend your arm back over your shoulder until the ball is behind you.

Step 4: Swing it forward in a smooth arc and follow through. The ball will release when the speed is fast enough.

Step 5: To pick the ball up, hold the handle of the launcher, place the ball claw over the tennis ball, and press down firmly.

Turns out that other animals can also be interested in this game:

Happy buyer’s review: This ball launcher is the best ever. It is made with exactly the right amount of ’give’ so that throwing the ball can be controlled. I can throw the ball across a field or I can skim it across the grass. I have learned how to chuck it up high in the air for my dog to catch, and I can simply throw the ball a short distance. It is long enough so that one does not have to bend down much to reach the ball on the ground. It is tough enough for my dog to bite the end with the ball in her jaws while she wrestles to get it out of the pocket. I have tried several ball launchers and this is the best yet. @AJ

Get the launcher from Amazon HERE.

3. These pill pockets are a life safer if you struggle to give your meow or bow-wow friends their vitamins. The delicious chicken flavor will help you hide the medicine and easily mask the taste of it. All you have to do is fill, pinch, and that’s it. You’re ready to go. Scratch-free!

Tip: To prevent the transfer of the medicine’s smell and taste, do not touch the pill pockets with the hand that held the medicine.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy:

Happy buyers’ reviews:

  • For years, I have found it difficult to give my cats their tablets. Believe me, I’ve tried everything. The cat pill pockets work every time. As soon as the pill is in and given to my cat, it’s gone. Cats seem to know when you’re sneaking them a pill. Or if you bury them in food. Or any other way you try. But with these, they just look at them like they would look at a treat. They are soft and easy to eat. I highly recommend them. @Jacqui ann Ayscoghe
  • My dog takes 2 pills morning and evening, and we were struggling to get her to take them. We tried all sorts of foods to hide them, but these really worked. They are expensive, but they worked for us, and having a solution that worked every time was the priority. @suzipoo

Get the pill pockets from Amazon HERE for cats — and HERE for dogs.

4. If your kitten treats your furniture as the enemy, you need a DJ scratching deck that will put those soft toe beans to work. It will not only allow your kitty to realize its mews-ical potential, but it’ll also keep its claws strong and healthy. And you won’t have to be embarrassed when there are guests in your home sitting on a sofa that lost a battle against a couple of fluffy paws.

You can’t stop your cat from scratching furniture as this is their normal, instinctive behavior. Purrr babies do it to have a good stretch, express their emotions, mark objects with their scent (yep, they do have scent glands in their paws), and remove the dead parts of their nails. That’s why your task is to teach them what they can scratch and what is off-limits.

Happy buyer’s review: This is just SO funny... It’s our second one now, as the cat destroyed the first one. To be fair, the last one lasted for years, so I can’t complain. I’d give it 5 stars, but the tabs on these sometimes have a tendency to pop out. I’ve glued the edges of ours when this happens. Seeing your cat on this spinning deck like a DJ is just hilarious — he has actually taken the deck off to get to the catnip that has dropped underneath! It’s a daily part of his life now, so I’d definitely recommend it. It doesn’t take up much space, as opposed to a cat tree, and it’s worth it for the entertainment value alone! @DJFunkman

Get the toy from Amazon HERE.

5. We tested this eating sport toy on one of our cats, and she had so much fun with it! It’s an interactive smart puzzle that can be easily adjusted between 4 levels of difficulty. It’ll reduce your kitty’s boredom and destructive behavior while increasing their interest in food and hunting instincts. AND, it’ll give you some alone time you can spend on your household routine or some me time.


  • Open the green lid on top.
  • Put in some food no bigger than 20 mm and close the lid.
  • Adjust the switch to a suitable position so the food can leak out.
  • Roll the toy and guide your pet to play with it.

Happy buyer’s review: I’ve had this for over a year and it’s still going strong and is still my dog’s favorite thing to play with. I fill it with little liver training treats as they are tiny and perfect for the smallest setting on the toy. I use this most days, and my pup will push it around the living room for ages. She loves it. @Maxxx

Get this toy from Amazon HERE.

6. An elevated dog bed that will help your fluffies get comfy at home and on the go. It’s chew-resistant, waterproof, breathable, and cooling at the same time. PLUS, the bed can carry more than one dog, so if you’re a happy owner of 2+ dogs, this bed is a must-have.

To clean hair, dirt, and grime from the bed, simply hose it off with water and allow it to dry. You can also wipe it clean with a wet towel.

It’s not just dogs who may like this bed and use it as a place to nap or as a shelter on hot days:

Happy buyer’s review: The raised bed is exactly as advertised and as shown in the accompanying video. My cockapoo puppy took to it immediately and uses it regularly during the day. Sturdy, and bedding material is definitely chew-proof, as proven by my dog. The seller sent a helpful email with cleaning hints, etc. Highly recommended product and seller. @Iain (Edinburgh)

Get the bed from Amazon HERE.

7. This automatic pet feeder has a camera. It means that, while you’re away, you no longer have to worry about your pets staying hungry. It can also detect whether your pet has anxiety behavior, and you’ll get a message through an app. To calm your doggo or kitty, you can use a built-in microphone to talk to them.

If you’re worried that your Wi-Fi connection can be disrupted from time to time, worry no longer. This pet feeder can automatically switch to battery power so that the feeding schedule can proceed as usual.

And if you just miss your sweetie, you can always check on them with one tap. Sometimes you may even see adorable scenes:

Happy buyer’s review: It saved my life. My German Shepherds, who need to eat every 4–6 hours, can have a set dispensing schedule with the luxury of adding manual feeds if I’m running late. Convenience — yes, peace of mind — completely, heart happy — OH, YES.
I was worried at first that my dogs would get crazy and break into the feeder for extra, but it has remained sturdy. I did have to purchase a different dog food as our last one kept getting jammed. The amount dispensed takes a little trial and error but is not that difficult. The camera — I had no idea how lovely it would be to see my boys so clearly, be able to talk to them through the mic, and know they are safe. @LAURA

Get the feeder from Amazon HERE.

8. Now that the problem with automatic feeding is solved, it’s time to think about how you’re gonna keep your pets hydrated. This is when this water fountain enters the arena. It’s scratch-and rust-resistant, and extremely quiet so your pet won’t be afraid of drinking from it.

Vets say that dogs should drink about 1 ounce of water daily for every pound that they weigh, while cats need about 3.5–4.5 ounces of water for every 5 pounds of their weight.
Here are 4 signs that show that your pet may be dehydrated and you need to get it to a vet:

  • It’s sleepy or unwilling to play.
  • It vomits.
  • It has a dry tongue and gums.
  • Its saliva is sticky.

You don’t have to worry about any dirt or hair getting in your sweet pumpkin’s water as there is a powerful filtering system in this. The filter and sponges should be replaced every 2–4 weeks. You can buy compatible parts here.

Happy buyer’s review: The best pet water fountain I have ever had. It’s the most practical one and looks really, really good.
Very easy to clean and refill.
Looks really nice in our living room, and it’s nice and compact and doesn’t take up too much space @Hanna

Get the water fountain from Amazon HERE.

9. A hanging cat swing hammock so your purr baby can hang out and have some “meow” time in true boho style. It may work for those picky kitties who turn their nose up at an ordinary bed you might try to offer them.

The bed comes without a cushion, but you can always put your cat’s favorite blanket, pillow, or toy inside. PLUS, it can not only be used as a cat hammock but also be a bohemian-style hanging home decoration or just hanging storage space somewhere that will help you to avoid clutter.

Happy buyer’s review: My kitten even loves this and spends lots of time in here! Worth the money! @Anna

Get the hammock from Amazon HERE.

10. These rotating balls are only lick-proof until you install them. Yep, they’ll surely capture your kitty’s attention as there is a secret inside. It’s C-A-T-N-I-P!

Catnip may reduce pets’ anxiety, relieve their pain, and it can be helpful to their digestive tract. The ball is equipped with a dust cover to prevent it from gathering on the ball and keep it clean.

Get the catnip balls from Amazon HERE.

Are you a cat or dog person? How old is your pet? What is its favorite toy?

Bright Side gets commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

Preview photo credit Nadine / Amazon, Martink / Amazon


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