15+ Couples Who Know Firsthand That Living Together Changes Everything

9 hours ago

Many couples are sure that life together is all about coziness and harmony. However, the reality often turns out to be different: cute habits of the partner can become annoying, and everyday moments turn into real trials. When living under the same roof, we learn much more about the other person. And this is where the most interesting thing starts: how to keep the peace and love when not only feelings are at stake, but also a dirty kitchen?

  • My husband decided to grow a beard. He had shaved all his life, but then he saw that he's got a double chin and decided to hide it.
    So he started cutting his beard with a trimmer every morning. And it's horrible! He leaves the sink all covered in hairs. I'm tired of cleaning.
    I couldn't take it anymore, so I snapped at him. The next morning, this weirdo was blowing the hairs out of the sink with a hairdryer! In the end, we agreed that he would go to a barber and learn how to take care of his beard.
  • I recently moved in with my girlfriend. Turns out she cooks very tasty, but unhealthy food! Endless fried sandwiches with ham and cheese, baked potatoes with fillets, breaded chicken, mini pizzas, and biscuits and cheesecakes for dessert.
    She has a great metabolism: she eats fast food and sweets several times a week, but she's still skinny. I've been on a diet for 3 years, I lost weight, but now I've gained it back. But I can't stop eating her unhealthy, but incredibly tasty food. © Overheard / Ideer

“Difference in how my wife and I pack for vacation. And she’s not finished yet.”

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  • It all started when our son was born. And I, as a responsible mother and wife, moved away from my husband into another room. After all, the child will certainly have colic, toothache and so on, and the breadwinner needs to get enough sleep. Since then, we began "to visit" each other.
    When the child fell asleep, I would go on a date with my husband. You won't believe it, but he arranged a date for me every time: he would make me a massage, or simply offer to talk, or he would listen to me until I had enough, or buy sushi rolls for me.
    When my son grew up, I came back to my husband not as a "guest," but as a "permanent resident." That night, I was hit twice in the forehead by my husband's fist. Then I was pressed against the wall with such force that I couldn't move until the morning.
    We decided we should learn to sleep together again, but it didn't work out in the end. So we just continued to visit each other. We're happy this way. © Immag0 / Pikabu
  • I hate cooking, so I order food delivery every day. And my boyfriend demands that I cook for him. I keep hearing, "All wives cook for their husbands." And I come late from work, so I don't have time and energy for cooking. I said, "You're not my husband yet." And he replied, "You should show me that you'll be a good wife!" © CONTINUED STORY / VK

“My wife puts honey on her pepperoni and pineapple pizza.”

  • Recently, my wife got into some "fridgescaping". I had never heard of it before, but apparently it's some new trend. She started putting flowers in vases in the fridge, so you have to move things around to get the food.
    I didn't care at first, but then she got too involved and it became annoying. There were some "right and wrong places" in the fridge. My wife would freak out when I put something in the wrong place.
    One day, I couldn't take it anymore and said, "This is stupid! Can you decorate something else, not the fridge? Sometimes I just want to have a quick snack after work." She freaked out, put all this "beauty" away, and now acts very distant toward me. © Icy-Shelter9897 / Reddit
  • For over a year now, I've been living with my girlfriend in a rented place. We're soon to get married. And I started to notice an interesting peculiarity.
    Before, after partying with my friends, I would just go to my girlfriend's place for the night so that not to listen to my parents' lectures. Now we live together, so after partying with friends I go to my parents, so I don't have to listen to lectures from my girlfriend. © Belfegorec / Pikabu
  • I was dating a neat freak. He always carried wet wipes, disinfectant gels, hand towels, and even his own toilet paper. He thought everything public was dirty. Everywhere we went, he'd wipe everything and criticize it. But then we moved in together.
    He scattered his clothes everywhere, never did the dishes, and the floor was covered in crumbs. I spent all my time cleaning. We broke up because he didn't like dirt, but he wasn't used to cleaning, because he lived with his mom until he was 30. © Overheard / Ideer

“The way my wife folds our toothpaste tube when it gets low.”

  • I love animals, but I hate my boyfriend's cat. This animal makes messes on my things. Yeah, just my things. She didn't do that before we moved in together. We didn't fight before, but now she's the reason we fight every day.
    There are days when I want to "accidentally" open the door to let her run out and get lost. I love the guy madly, but am ready to end our relationship. The only thing that stops me is that leaving because of a cat is really stupid. © Overheard / Ideer
  • A friend recently moved in with the guy she had been dating for about 6 months. Living together uncovered one peculiarity in the guy's habits. I quote, "He leaves everything open!"
    It turned out that he opens anything and immediately throws away the lid: from toothpaste, from water bottles, from perishable food. It's difficult for my friend to put up with this habit, so the first disagreements over this seemingly insignificant thing have already started. © flyheart.ann / Pikabu
  • I met a man. Came to visit him, and his place was crystal clean. I decided that this is even good, because I am lazy and don't like to clean. That's the kind of man I need.
    We moved in together. And after 3 months I ran away from him, because he began to yell at me that I do nothing at home. Ha-ha. © Overheard / Ideer

"The way my husband wears socks when he's relaxing:"

  • I dumped a great man and don't regret it. He was gentle, intelligent, successful. He carried me in his arms, spared nothing on me, forbade me nothing, and there were no conflicts. And his family turned out to be normal. I even thought I'd marry him.
    But when we moved in together, I only lasted 10 days. It turned out that freedom and personal time are more valuable to me than any relationship. I was mean to him and to his family and to my own. They all hate me now. But how freely I breathe now! © Overheard / Ideer
  • I remember when we were dating with my future husband, we rented our first flat. It was our first night together there, and we ended up fighting over the best side of the bed - near the wall.
    I won, but it was a terrible night. He clutched me in his arms, pressed me against the wall and snored into my ear all night. By morning, I thought the ringing in my ears would never go away. In the end, the wall side was reserved for him for years to come. © Pizzaisptitsi / Pikabu
  • My beloved often throws her stockings all over the flat, and I walk and stumble. But if I leave a sock somewhere, it's a scandal. But during the general cleaning, she turns into a neat freak, and I run away from the flat. During this time everything is cleaned, absolutely everything! It's even scary. © Unknown author / Pikabu

And here's a story of a woman whose husband proposed an open relationship. Check out how this ended.

Preview photo credit CONTINUED STORY / VK


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