Good luck getting the snow off buddy.
15 Hilarious Times Things Took an Unexpected Turn
Murphy’s law states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. And we have all experienced things taking a wrong turn despite the best of our efforts which can sometimes lead to hilarious situations.
It’s only when we see the silver lining amidst the darkest of clouds that we can make our lives better. With this philosophy at Bright Side, we love to celebrate the hilarious side of life, even if it’s the result of an epic fail.
“Don’t worry, it’s a Subaru.”
I was getting the horse ready for the weekend party, but then it farted. They should’ve put the nozzle someplace else.
Meet the guy with the world’s loudest voice. How else can he speak over both the fan and the vacuum cleaner?
When I was younger I used to like pulling the heads off of my sister’s Barbie dolls and drawing a face on the stump underneath, but then my daughter took it a step further.
If the road roller can move on this road, why can’t my car...
I thought the banana would be scary, but when I saw the number of retweets I got goosebumps.
Sigh...Generation Z!!
Life in a fish bowl?
This is the ideal male body, you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Selfie gone wrong
When you want to finish mowing the lawn fast and put the lawnmower on nitro boost:
Canadian food chain or photoshop?

You write what you see, but at least now you also have her sketch.
I asked my boyfriend to gift me a cucumber face mask and he gave me this photograph.
The handle broke.
Every one of us has had an epic fail in life. Share your experiences with us and how you managed to see the hilarity in it. If you have photos, even better. We would love to see them.
Weird but funny

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