15 Items From Amazon That Will Save Space Even in the Tiniest Apartment

2 years ago

No matter if you live in a small apartment or in a big house, you definitely know that every square foot counts. And if you’re renting a tiny studio, you need some creativity to make it functional. From clothing racks to floating shelves, there are plenty of ways to maximize your storage space.

Here at Bright Side, we believe you can make your small apartment more spacious. And we gathered 15 products from Amazon that can make storage space where there seems to be none.

1. A table top ironing board you can take with you when you go on vacation.

Buy it here.

2. A compact utensils set that will save you plenty of space in the kitchen.

Buy it here.

3. A toilet paper stocker that’ll allow you to save storage space in the bathroom.

Buy it here.

4. A stylish ottoman to store clothes that don’t fit into your closet.

Buy it here.

5. A floating bedside table that attaches to the wall to save even more space.

Buy it here.

6. A rolling trolley cart to optimize the space utilization.

Buy it here.

7. A spice rack that’s perfect for storing your herb jars.

Buy it here.

8. Floating wall shelves that’ll turn the space on the wall into a storage area.

Buy it here.

9. A cascading wall organizer to save space in your home office.

Buy it here.

10. A slide-out utility organizer that creates extra storage area in your bathroom.

Buy it here.

11. A floor lamp with shelves that allows you to store your favorite books.

Buy it here.

12. An entryway storage organizer that’ll make finding your keys in the morning so much easier.

Buy it here.

13. A jewellery stand that’s perfect for your extra-long necklaces.

Buy it here.

14. A lightweight folding table you can move around your apartment as needed.

Buy it here.

15. A hanging shower organizer to keep all your toiletries.

Buy it here.

Do you have any space saving ideas you’d like to share with other Bright Siders? Which of these items can help you add extra storage to your apartment?

Bright Side gets commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

Preview photo credit Amazon, Amazon


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