15 People Who Finally Managed to See the Beauty in Themselves That They’ve Ignored for Too Long

4 years ago

Many people look at themselves through the prism of someone else’s comments and stereotypes. And it’s great when a person can set these stereotypes aside and love themselves because everyone is beautiful thanks to their smile and the sparkle in their eyes. The heroes of this article went through years of being unhappy with their appearance until they finally realized that their body is the best thing they have. Some of them had to make an effort, while others just straightened their curly hair, looked in the mirror, and smiled.

At Bright Side, we enjoyed the stories from Reddit users who accepted themselves just the way they are.

1. “I straightened my hair for 11 years and it left me with lifeless, dry, dull, frizzy hair. I started wearing my hair natural, and I literally woke it up from the dead.”

2. “I changed my hair and wore makeup today, and for once I feel pretty!”

3. “I took a step and got my hair cut. 5 years into adulthood and I’m finally learning self-care.”

4. “From struggling with an eating disorder to competitive lifting. Gaining weight can be pretty cool.”

5. “I can finally say, everything is possible!”

6. “I was bullied for most of high school for having ‘emo’ hair and dressing in all black. I learned to have more confidence in myself, learned to dress nicely, started hitting the gym every day, and most importantly learned to not care what anybody says.”

7. “I’m proud of myself for what I accomplished, and I appreciate and am thankful to my body for all that it does for me. But even if my weight hadn’t changed, I wouldn’t let myself be sad.”

8. “The photo on the left was taken a year ago today. I was uncomfortable and depressed. And throughout this year I learned to love myself unconditionally, which means a lot more to me than 47 pounds.”

9. “I’ve had self-image issues over the years, but I think I’m finally starting to fall in love with myself.”

10. “2 years progress, I’m so much healthier and happier.”

11. “Today, I’m happier and healthier.”

12. “I gained some weight and a rescue puppy.”

13. “I went from a loose fitting XS to an M. I’m so proud of myself.”

14. “I could be in a better shape, but I’m proud to say I recovered from a nearly 10-year-long eating disorder. Healthy comes in many forms.”

15. “Weight loss — self-love gain. After 3 years, I fully recovered from bulimia!”

How did you learn to love and accept yourself? Tell us in the comments below.

Preview photo credit MeelinFelo / Reddit


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I'm still on my journey to love and appreciate myself. It's still hard sometimes but I try my best


well, many people want to lose that weight and many other people wanna gain to that weight. so, I think do I need to lose or gain this weight?


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