15 People Who Honored Their Lost Loved Ones With an Emotional Tattoo

11 months ago

Tattoos are lasting reminders of special moments, like memories of loved and meaningful people. They’re not just ink; they hold deep stories and feelings, and remind us of what’s important. Tributes to someone dear carry strong emotions and are unique artworks that resonate deeply with both the wearers and those who know their true meaning.

1. “My dad died on December 15, 2016. Today, I got a tattoo.”

2. “A tribute piece in honor of my little sister who passed away.”

3. “A tribute to my departed.”

“When we first started dating at age 14, he would pick me up at my high school with a bouquet of roses almost every Friday. 17 years later, he would still arrange bouquets for me, handpicked by himself. I was truly lucky. I was truly deeply in bliss.”

4. “My dad passed away, so I got his tattoo.”

5. “A memorial piece for our twin girls we lost.”

6. “Got this in memory of my sister. It always made me laugh the way she drew her people and am so happy with how it came out.”

7. “A guardian angel in memory of my grandma.”

8. “Lost both my parents over the last 14 months.”

9. “A memorial tattoo for my brother.”

10. “My dad passed away in 2009. I got tattooed a note he wrote in my 2nd grade yearbook as a reminder.”

11. “Got a memorial tattoo for my daughter.”

12. “For my brother”

13. “My father passed away. Today is his birthday and he always wanted us to have matching tattoos.”

14. “A tribute tattoo for my best friend who passed away.”

15. “A memorial for my son.”

Celebrities get tattoos in honor of someone they love too, and it often happens when they’re in love. From Chrissy Teigen and John Legend to Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, many famous couples have tattoos as proof of their eternal love. See them here!

Preview photo credit zoe5308 / Reddit


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