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It isn’t news that we all sometimes take our day-to-day life for granted. We can go about our business and complain that here and there we may have bad luck. But maybe, somewhere out there, somebody’s having a worse day than you.
What is bad luck, anyway? Different cultures have their own take on the idea. For instance, in South Korea, it is believed that shaking your legs means shaking your wealth off. If you do that, you’re inviting some trouble.
Bright Side collected some stories that leave no question — no matter the superstitions in place, these people know what it’s like to have luck turn its back on you.
“The glass wasn’t moved after; it’s that far apart from the force alone.”
When was the last time you had a particularly terrible case of things not going your way? Would you call it bad luck or a coincidence?
Full easy and very simple online money earning job to makes dollars online.from this job i have made $64296 in just 4 months. ...