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14 Coincidences That Seem to Be Predetermined by Fate Itself
It seems that fateful coincidences can only happen in movies. But Internet users managed to prove otherwise and revealed the most amazing coincidences that happened in their lives. Even famous film directors wouldn’t be able to invent such great plot twists.
At Bright Side, we could hardly imagine that such unbelievable stories could be true. Let’s find out if you have the same reaction after reading them.
I started dating a girl a few weeks ago. And as it turned out, not only was she living in the same building but the exact same apartment I lived in 2 years ago. It was so bizarre walking into my old apartment that I never thought I would see again. What are the odds? © Yoinkie2013
While hiking with my dad as a kid, I was babbling and said, “The teacher told us if you speak too much, a fly will get in your mouth.” At this exact moment, a fly flew into my mouth. © nice_disguise
I met a Canadian guy while on holiday in South America and we ended up going sightseeing together. At the end of the day, a person behind us tapped him on the shoulder and asked if the scar behind his ear was from cancer surgery. They started talking. It turned out they were from the same small town in Canada, had the same type of brain cancer, and had been operated on by the same surgeon. © falconfile
I used to ride 2 busses home from work. I got off the first one having left my phone and keys on the front seat of the bus without realizing it. I got on the second bus, went to my favorite front seat, and realized that possessions I didn’t know were missing were waiting for me. The bus had changed the driver and route. Still freaks me out to this day. © bigphazell
The person who sits next to me at work copies everything I do except she has no way of knowing. I wear a blue sweater, she wears a blue sweater. I bring leftover spaghetti, she brings leftover spaghetti. It’s so weird, I almost hate her. © TRIGMILLION
I had a kidney transplant last year. The nurse made a comment about it having my name on it. He even elaborated to say that the donor had the same surname as me. © CINGRAM_2307
I was adopted as a baby in one state and 26 years later, I met my birth mother. We both lived in another state about 5 minutes away from each other. © SeventeenthSecond
My best friend in high school had the same exact locker combination as me in a school of 1,200 people. © BigAunt
When I was a kid, we had this plush penguin that would play “Jingle Bells” if you squeezed its stomach. One Christmas, it broke and it just kept playing the song endlessly. This went on for hours — my mom tried stuffing it in a couch cushion, but we could still hear it. Finally, I got super annoyed, grabbed the penguin, and said, “This is really annoying, could you please stop?” It stopped immediately. © princessedaisy
My old work ran a Secret Santa once. It was a $10 limit and the person I was buying for I didn’t know very well. So I was in town and saw an old copy of Oliver Twist in the window of the secondhand book store. It just called to me, so I went in and picked it up. It cost only $10 — perfect. So, the day of the Secret Santa exchange finally came and we were all opening our gifts. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw some people crowding around a woman who was crying, and then they started calling out for the person who was her Santa. I went over and revealed that it was me. The lady hugged me. She said that 10 years earlier her house had burned down along with all of her possessions. The book that I bought her was her favorite and also the exact same edition so it had the exact same cover she remembered. © Ripley2179 / reddit
It just happened yesterday: my boyfriend was diagnosed with the same rare (<150,000-200,000 Americans) health condition I have. Freaky. © NeuroGeek
A classmate of mine sent a fake email that looked totally legit to select members of my class, saying that we had failed a really important exam which carried bad consequences for our career. After we freaked out, he let us know it was just a joke, and when the results came out a week later, there was only one person who failed: my classmate that had sent the fake email. © QuintoJinete
An officer from a different police department was showing me a picture of a guy they wanted to arrest in a different part of town. As I looked up from the computer, I saw the guy riding by on a bike literally 5 feet away from the squad car. © lotsocows
Once, I had to leave for a month. I left my pet (a tortoise) with my parents. When I came back, I took him in my hands and asked, “Did you miss me?” And right at this moment, the tortoise nodded. © “Podslushano” /
Have you experienced any weird coincidences in your life? Tell your story in the comments below.
I too have a story to tell. 🤗😉
In 1983 I was catching a grayhound bus to get home after a weekend away. I started chatting with the guy next to me. When I asked his name he said Bob Skye. I looked at him and said that is my dad's name. Come to find out he was my dad's nephew who he was named after😲
noway. cool
Awesome article!
Not to be a party pooper, but if you and your best friend had the same combination and they were school assigned you guys missed a wonderful business opportunity
Yes, I have a friend who's entire school had the same combination
You can imagine the rest
I was telling someone how me and my grandfather were both born on April 22nd, he said "no way, me and my grandfather were born on April 22nd too!" Crazy
My grandfather was born January 22nd (1919). His sister had two children, five years apart...both born on January 22nd. One of my sons was also born on January 22nd (1989). :-)
Once I ended up staying with a friend for a few weeks because my lease was up before I my new place was ready. Her roomate and I had almost the same name. Jennifer Nichole and Jena Nichole. Both of us spelled our middle names differently but the same. The last four digits of her phone number were the last four of my SSN.
My fatger was in France on a vacation. He was walking down a street and saw his neighbor!
Back in college I met one of my best friends. We both worked at the same restaurant. He was from the Seattle area and eventually moved back. He and I remained in touch and would visit each other frequently. Years later he had married and he and his wife were coming to the L.A. area for a vacation. They were going to stay with me and my roommate. I picked them up at the airport and when we walked into my aparrment and began the introductions, my roommate and my friends wife started yelling out each others names. Me and my friend looked at each other with bugged out eyes. Come to find out, they had grown up together, went to the same schools, went to their senior prom together, and lived on the same small island in the Puget Sound. You tell me what are the chances of that happening!!
Here's another thing about my friends wife: she had a brother that was born on the exact same day and year as me. Too close for comfort....
I was working as a nurse in Indonesia in the 70s. I loved it and never wanted to go home, mostly because I had a "family" of local children living with me. But in March 1982 i lost my work permit and had to come home. I was devastated. I got a job and decided I was going to adopt a child because I missed my Indonesian kids so much. I adopted one son. Then I was asked to take a critically ill little two year old. I did, and eventually he was able to get into a medical trial of a medication that cured him. What a miracle! When i looked back, i realized I had lost my work permit in Indonesia close to exactly when my second son was conceived! I guess God saw i was needed elsewhere! And I am still in touch with the kids in Indonesia, who are parents and grandparents now!
I was on holiday once in Portugal and went on a sightseeing trip with other people, we started talking and it turned out that the husband of the couple I was chatting to was born on the same day in the same hospital as myself and in fact his Mother and my Mother were next to each other in the maternity ward he was the only boy in that ward
My brother and I grew up in Colorado. He got in a bit of trouble in his teenage years and ended up in detention school. In my 30's, I lived in a tiny town in Missouri. My neighbor and I net, started dating. Found out he was from Denver. He also was in the same detention school my brother was in, and although they were in different cottages, they knew each other! We've been together 16 years now.
I was stuck at my bus stop when the temperature suddenly dropped and bus an hour late. I was freezing as cars flew by making me colder. I looked to the sky which was dark and grey clouds and asked God for assistances in warming me and sending my bus. IMMEDIATELY the calm grey clouds started racing apart clearing to a beautiful blue sky. As I sat ontop of the bus stop bench I suddenly started feeling the sun rise behind me starting at my feet and going up my body instantly warming me and then my bus came and as soon as I lifted my last foot onto my bus the sun faded and cloudy grey sky returned.
Second incident I waa stuck downtown at the Newberry building after getting medicine from Walgreens in pouring rain. It was thundering, lighting, and grounds rumbling when I again ask God for a safe passage home. INSTANTLY the rains slowed down to completely stopping before we took off. When I got off at my stop 10 to 15 minutes later I had to walk a little distance to my apt and by the time I reached my apt, it started thundering again and as soon as I got inside my unit door, it started pouring again with rumbling, thunder, and lightening.
Third incident I went through a night of terror and still am being tortured today by envious people of my own race following me to all my residents. I cursed them out all the time but really bad this one night and next day while on the bus sleep from exhaustion, I suddenly wake in fear feeling God and knowing he was angry. Thinking he was mad at me I asked him for a sign of calming his storms once again, if he wasn't angry with me. INSTANTLY the rains slowed down as I couldn't get off at my stop at the mall because the sidewalks were fully flooded with a pool of water and it was pouring still when I asked. I stayed on the bus letting it circle and after asking again instantly the rain slowed down to drizzling by the time I got off maybe 5 to 6 minutes later.
I did this multiple times after these incidents and each time he responded but strangely before all this occurred which the first occurred in 2004. In the late nineties my ex, kids, and I were heading to the mall when my ex who was driving was about to make a left turn when a fancy small sports car came at us from the right passenger side going nearly 100 miles per hour, So fast it waa impossible for it to zig zag around us like a cartoon. It looked like it was pushed a side and put back on track. It waa so animated. No stranger than while on the highway a collision occurrs in front of us and my ex start freaking out as I hear a female voice tell me to lift my hands up and push. I am shocked but do it as my ex keep askung what to do because the car after hitting is now sliding backwards towards our vehicle and he is unsure whether to go right or left if it. I quickly lifted my hands but not enough where he could see what I was doing feeling pressure I yelled stay straight as i pushed the car ahead to our left and it hitted the wall but still sliding back.I was stunned because we both saw it and it looked like someone actually pushed the car to the left but 8 didn't tell him what happened to afrsid he wouldn't believe me but did ask him about seeing how 5h3 car looked like it was pushed and he thanked God which is right! After tge first incident in the road he said God was looking after us but he didnt know I did the same thing pushing that car as well with the warning from the female voice.
A car collision with my son this time in 2008. This woman's voice came to me again warning me to buckle up which i wasn't and had me tighten my arms against the dash board and lock my legs I was less than minute away from crashing. A car trying to make a light out of view coming up a hill slammed into us. As soon as we hitted my son blacked out from his air bag and my never deployed until after we stopped. Onced stopped a white spirit flew from me and through the windshield cracking it instantly and we were already stopped and then my airbag opened.
I have had the most extraordinary things happen to me I must continue to share. Back in the early 2000's before the incident above occurred I was asked by my manager to cover her daily routines while she is away on vacation. I told her yes but was really tire pulling ling hours coverung others shifts and coming in early to do daily task but I promised. I nearly over slepted when I was awaken by the same woman's voice calling me by name telling me to wake up several times. I come out of my sleep thinking I was dreaming laying on my back and hands together with a bright light shining in through my blinds which never occurred before or after that day. I go back to sleep and I hear her voice again more clearly and I am awake telling me its time to get up. As soon as I jumped up the light faded away. I still question my self asking why she helped me that day. I would had been late and was very thankful.
This woman voice is significant in my life as she entered it back when ai was a small child giving me predictions that all came back to me through dreams right before the millennium. I predicted 9/11 while in NY i had repeated dreams of a builduling in danger waking up in sweat and in the last morning I wake saying its two buildings. I preficted Japan's 2011 tsunami, unpredicted with multiple tornados, flooding, mud slides, and ine dream i saw fire and then lava coming from ine direction and flooding another. Forrest fire occurred, lava, and flooding that year that hitted the news. In all my dreams I am frieghten because everything they felted I could feel and this woman's voice would call me by my name telling me to calm down and awaken because I was safe. I encouter her first as a child telling me they want to make our world better, safe, and peaceful and I was to help and then again he all the warnings and the above incidente mentioned.
One last one I will share is an actual time travel incident that occurred in the mid 90's I am back in a period with Western style homes. Although I was on the 4th level in my dresms I was on the firdt floor. I am seeing through the eyes of someone laying on the bed. A lady in a long 20's dress is appraching me and I am scare and jump up. I lay back down and literally close my eyes and back in that room as she had gotten closer and I jump up again but this tine calling my mom telling her abd she tells me to lay back down and see if I could tell the time period. I was concern and shocked thinking what if I don't return but I decided to do it again. Immediately I am back there and she is directly at my face starling me I open my eyes again but then close them as i see her walking out of the room. She placed something on my forehead as I listen to buggies and horses outside the window they were using for travel. Old homes that you see in the movies with wooded floors. There wasn't much to see but I knew she was caring for me and started approaching me because I had waken up. I opened my eyes but was unable to go back after that. This was time traveling and how i could do it by just opening and closing my eyes still shocks me today. Open I am at home and close I was back in time and CLEARLY awake and aware and I don't drink or smoke or do any drugs.
After the car collision above I noticed an extra strength in my body mainly my hands I started breaking things unnaturally. A metal fan that stood feet up from the floor angry one day I snatched it breaking the pole from its base which was heavy. I just stood and looked at it and then examined it. A mop with a thin layered metal pole mopping not even appliing much pressure I snapped it in half. I kept bresking things that wasn't possible to the point I was worried about holding a baby worrying if I wasn't being gentle enough. I can't control it but notices it happens when I am angry the most.
Years ago my bike was stolen about the same time I found a men's bike in my yard. I turned that bike into the police when I filed the report for my stolen one. The following spring the police called to say no one had claimed the bike I turned in and I could have it if I wanted. I took it and sold it to my neighbors husband that day figuring I would use the money to get myself a new one. Upon arriving home from selling the bike, what did I see sitting in my driveway? There sat my stolen bike! Still have no idea where it was and why it had been returned but I had my bike back and was $90 richer.
My husband and I are born in the same year but my bday is 5/21 and his 6/9. My birth certificate was printed the day he was born.
The hubster and I realized some interesting things early in our marriage, 36-years ago. In San Antonio, TX my non-military family lived and he was stationed there in the Army. We went to the same church, at the same time, for three years, but never met each other. We even knew the same people, at the same time. Then my family moved to Arizona for five long horrible armpit years. He moved to upstate NY. Then my family moved back to Texas in North Dallas and he also moved to North Dallas. We, again, went to the same church, at the same time, but didn't meet for three years.
When I was 5 I had a friend named Ella who when we were 6 started going to private school. 2 years later we were both traveling at Universal Studios at the same time. 1 year later my older sister was playing on a sports team in another city and Ella's older sister played on the same team. Also, My parents were born the same year, the same month, 10 days apart.
My two older sister were born on the same day two years apart, then I had my little brother born on my twelfth birthday so we also share a birthday but 12 years apart.
Wow!! 😊

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