15 People Whose Creativity Led Them Down a Whimsical Path

2 years ago

In order to boost your creativity, you can just get into your pajamas and jump into bed — scientists support the notion that sleep is a catalyst for creative thinking. That said, definitely don’t sleep on the folks from the pictures below because they are going to shock you with their incredibly out-of-the-box thinking and fun ideas.

Bright Side wants to show you 15 pictures that can remind you of the fact that some people are born not only to be wild, but also intensely creative and fun.

1. “I got bored cutting my fingernails.”

2. “Sculpture by Bruno Catalano, Viareggio, Italy”

3. “This bike covered entirely in a knitted cover”

4. “I made Ash Ketchum’s Season 1 jacket out of chainmail.”

5. “These denim boots”

6. “I made a tiny strawberry pie.”

7. “I made a cello inspired by Dune.”

8. This car is definitely looking at you in a strange way.

9. “I made a perfect snow face.”

10. “I made an origami shirt in school and I used a paper clip as a coat hanger.”

11. “Drooping clock”

12. “My husband constructed a bouquet made from Legos for me.”

13. “Some mysterious person has made knitted jubilee crowns for the post boxes in this seaside town in England.”

14. “This small chair my mom made from newspaper comics in the ’90s”

15. “I would like to meet the log dog.”

Have you exercised your creativity recently? What’s the thing you are most proud of?

Preview photo credit e***nisabouth***cm***y / Imgur


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