15 Photos That Contain a Double Dose of Charisma

2 years ago

Happiness might seem hard to attain, but it’s actually quite easy to obtain it in smaller, simpler doses.
Thereby, injecting a bit of cuteness and lightheartedness into the day can help brighten our perspective on the moment at hand and can truly improve our overall mood and lift our spirits.

At Bright Side, we always find ways to brighten up a dreary day and made a compilation of 15 pictures that will provide an extra oomph of energy and positivity, to make you smile without effort.

1. Brand new and already tired of life.

2. “My baby cousin looks almost identical to a cabbage patch kid.”

3. “My cousin posted a selfie on Facebook, my family decided to have fun with our selfies.”

4. “These photos of me and my brother where our arms perfectly line up.”

5. “The best photo I have of my boys yet!”

6. “Two of my babes. The pup was here with us before our daughter and the relationship they formed is very cool to see.”

7. “Dog’s face lined up perfectly.”

8. “The kitten will only stop crying if I hold him upside down.”

9. “My wife had our bedroom Paris themed. I thought it needed a bit more.”

10. “This cute cow was born with a heart on it’s forehead.”

11. “My niece turned 18 today. She wasn’t supposed to make it past infancy due to major health issues.”

“She loves Disney, so today was her Special Disney Birthday Party!”

12. “My cats sitting in front of the portrait we had made of them.”

13. “My niece is only a day old and she’s already had enough of your nonsense.”

14. “Mom’s dog was proud of her first swim.”

15. “My daughter drew a picture of me when she was 2 years old. 7 years later and it’s on me forever.”

Which picture did you find the cutest? Do you believe that lightheartedness brings you one step closer to happiness? We’d love to hear your opinion in the comments section below.


Don’t ever feel bored and check out the game Tropical Merge! Get ready for an adventure full of mysteries!

Preview photo credit Johnny-Greeno / Reddit


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