15+ Stories That Prove the Universe Works in Mysteriously Beautiful Ways

2 years ago

Most people want to be surrounded by safety and do not appreciate when unexpected things happen in their lives. Though the latter can actually bring so much beauty and meaning to our lives, and change our perceptions. It simply puts a heart in our bodies where a stone used to be.

1. “My wife, my daughter, and my grandson, sitting on Santa’s lap... 60 years apart.”

2. “Someone attached an umbrella to this cat’s favorite place.”

3. “Stepfather didn’t like dogs! Now, look at them 1 year later.”

4. “Found this today randomly placed among the rocks while on my walk.”

5. “Successful first-time mushroom hunting with the cousin! He liked it way more than I figured he would.”

6. “For about 5 years, the same duck couple used to use our pool as their home for the summer. It amazed me. Here are my old friends.”

7. “At a restaurant, this couple brought in little treat bags that they are passing out to all the employees.”

“Made my day seeing the waiters and busboys get teary-eyed, saying thank you.”

8. “Today’s my bday and some guy told me I was pretty and paid for my coffee. Then when I was walking some guy gave me a flower.”

“They don’t know me but it made my day.”

9. “We met 15 years ago playing online video games. This past weekend we met for the first time ever in person.”

10. “Left: My dad and I circa 1998. Right: My son and I, 2022.”

11. “My aunt’s dog refuses to leave my grandmother’s side.”

12. “My friend Brad inspired a child in a wheelchair as he ran past him in his adaptive walker and crossed the marathon finish line!”

13. “I volunteer at a shelter, and it took 3 separate visits in his kennel before this guy even let me touch him.”

14. “The best thing I’ve seen all year! Doggo and his bff the postman having a wonderful time and enjoying each other’s company.”

15. “A man playing guitar for a swan”

16. “3 years ago, doctors said my unborn daughter would never sit, walk, breathe, or eat independently. Today she had her first ballet recital.”

17. “Secretly flew my girlfriend’s family to Orlando so we could ‘run into’ them in the park so I could propose. She said yes!”

18. “The owner updated the lost cat poster.”

Has life ever given you pleasant surprises you still have warm memories about? Have you ever done it yourself and created some precious moments for somebody else? Please share your stories in the comments below.

Preview photo credit Dahappychap / Reddit


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