15+ Handsome Men Who’ve Only Gotten Better With Time

6 years ago

Youth is beautiful, but many people actually get better looking with age. We can see famous men find their style, cut off and dye their hair, and grow beards. Hey, Til Schweiger fights off wrinkles and still looks handsome!

1. Robert Downey Jr.

TRI STAR PICTURES / Album / EAST NEWS, © PopularImages / Depositphotos.com

2. Hugh Jackman

3. Dwayne Johnson

EAST NEWS, Vianney Le Caer/Invision/AP/East News

4. Leonardo DiCaprio

Shooting Star/Sipa USA/East News, PictureGroup/Sipa USA/East News

5. Channing Tatum

EVERETT COLLECTION/EAST NEWS, Steve Ross/Capital Pictures/Capital Pictures/East News

6. Nicolas Cage

EAST NEWS, Charles Sykes/Invision/AP/East News

7. Richard Gere

PARAMOUNT PICTURES / Album/EAST NEWS, © s_bukley / Depositphotos.com

8. Will Smith


9. Jude Law

East News, Zou Zheng Xinhua / eyevine/Eyevine/East News

10. Pierce Brosnan

imago/United Archives/EAST NEWS, PacificCoastNews/EAST NEWS

11. Zac Efron

East News, Invision/Invision/East News

12. Justin Timberlake

EAST NEWS, JRP / WENN/agefotostock/East News

13. Til Schweiger

ASSOCIATED PRESS/East News, imago/APress International/EAST NEWS

14. George Clooney

15. Jason Statham

© s_bukley / Depositphotos.com, Image supplied by Capital Pictures/EAST NEWS

16. Vincent Cassel

EAST NEWS, Eduardo Parra/Associated Press/East News

17. Matthew McConaughey

AF Archive/Graham Whitby Boot/Mary Evans Picture Library/East News, Chris Kleponis - CNP/DPA/East News

From Hollywood icons to revered musicians and influential personalities, these men exemplify the beauty that comes with experience, wisdom, and a genuine sense of self. Among them, there are also those who’ve been defined as the “most attractive men alive”.

Preview photo credit EAST NEWS, Eduardo Parra/Associated Press/East News


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I think without a doubt that they all look better older, especially Richard Gere and Hugh Jackman, both favourites


They are all millionaires who can afford to pay for treatment that keeps them looking good...show me regular, every day people who had the same luck


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