I sometimes think about how my life would be if I had rich parents but in the end I don't think I want it.
16 Stories About People That Were Born With a Silver Spoon in Their Mouths
Everyone lives in different ways and has different habits and tastes that often depend on their financial resources. The income differences of parents become evident to kids in their early childhood when one kid is picked up from school by a driver, while another kid has to look for some change to buy a snack.
We at Bright Side decided to share some stories about people whose parents can afford almost anything. And at the end of the article, there’s a bonus about what the most spoiled children might ask their parents.
I was born into a rich family. I am good-looking and smart. I could move to Germany and I even chose a house there. But 5 years ago, I met an ordinary guy and fell in love with him. We didn’t worry about the difference in our social status. Love has no mercy, I can tell you that for sure! © Podslushano / VK
My father is the CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation. To be honest, the biggest benefit was having no debt for my education. Otherwise, if I wanted something, I had to earn it myself. I’ve now relocated across the country to be where I wanted to be. I pay my own rent. I have an auto loan. I did all this on my own. My parents raised my brother and me to be independent. I even have on film my father yelling at me for wasting film... on a digital camera. He then said I was wasting the batteries. © unknown author / Reddit
The one thing I’ve learned is that it can disappear overnight. My dad’s a building contractor and was making more than enough to put us in the 1% for most of my childhood. We took a lot of vacations, had a big house in the suburbs, a condo in the city, and when I turned 16 I got a Lexus and a 2-week trip to Europe. My college education at a private East Coast school was completely covered, etc. Then in 2008-2009 after the economy tanked, my dad is living in a much smaller house, drives a car with 150,000 miles on it, and has managed to hang onto his business (although it’s just him now, so he’s doing manual labor for the first time in like 20 years.) And you know what? He’s actually pretty happy and a lot more pleasant to be around now. © dangerouslyloose / Reddit
I went to school with a guy from a really rich family. He was different from everyone else only because he was taken to school by a driver. And his father helped him open his own business. But in general, he was an ordinary guy and he never bragged about what he had. We’re still in touch even though we live in different cities. © juicek / Pikabu
I don’t know if my classmate was the richest, but he was from a well-off family. He did very well. Became a Rhodes scholar. Bought a small company, turned it into a big company, and sold it. It is now worth several billion dollars. From what I remember he was a pretty nice guy, and apparently still is. © Richard Shaw / Quora
We had a really rich kid, the son of a gas station owner. He wanted to be just like everyone else. And he did quite well. He loved running around, playing hide and seek until we finished school. But then, he went to a good college, fell in with the wrong crowd, and picked up some bad habits... Now, he’s just another rich kid in a cool car but he’s not a nice person anymore. © chugaray / Pikabu
The richest kid I knew was not a good guy. In 11th grade, he bought the website with the school’s name and the domain .co.uk because the actual school site used .com. He then filled a blank page with a large number of insults and allegations against various teachers. They soon heard about it, many parents made the .com or .co.uk mistake, and then quickly figured out it was him. He refused to apologize and they asked if he wanted to go to court. His response was that he could afford a better lawyer than they could. I don’t remember how it played out, but I think the school backed down. © Tim Bourne / Quora
I bought my son a 3-bedroom apartment in the same building where I live. I gave him my good car. He knew where the money was coming from. One day, he came home and told me he’d wrecked the car. Then, I found out the college wanted to throw him out and nobody even told me. So, I decided to give him a job at my construction site. It was difficult work, very tiring. One year later, he changed, he got back into the college and finished it. He’s now a good specialist and he makes me proud. © kriwor / Pikabu
I once went to a carwash where my friend worked. I met a guy there who seemed to be very ordinary. We decided to go out together and he said it would be his treat. After that, we went to his place and it was a big beautiful mansion... © frosti51 / Pikabu
The richest kid in my school is now working as a waiter in a restaurant. When we were in high school he barely came to classes, went out a lot, and got into a lot of fights too. So he just did the bare minimum to pass classes and that’s it. His parents were wealthy, so he lived a carefree life. He was very sheltered and lived on a massive piece of property with a manor as the main house and a house for himself. Unfortunately, his parents didn’t care about his education. They were constantly traveling. © Anne Leblanc / Quora
I grew up in a rich family. My father was an inventor of sorts, so we would travel around the world buying houses here and there. And we would do this on our yacht, on private planes, and on helicopters. The life of luxury that my parents afforded me just seemed normal. So when I got out of that world and went to a public high school in the United States, I would ask other kids what kind of helicopter they had. If they had a yacht... And so on... I would look down at them if they had anything less. My reality was destroyed. It took years to rehabilitate how I treated other people. To set my expectations for me in a realistic frame was another challenge. I do have kids, and I think I’ve made it a mission in my life to make sure that they know that they need to treat people with respect at all times. © unknown author / Reddit
Knew a trust fund girl whose dad gave her the money to start a company. She lost it when she went on vacation for 6 months and forgot she was supposed to pay her employees all the time. She assumed they would not get paid for 6 months and be there when she got back. I quizzed her on this for a few minutes and it was clear she had no idea what a job was. © Pencilowner / Reddit
I went to an elite private school in Paris, France. Everyone actually wanted to be street legit, so they got dropped off by chauffeur-driven Mercedes’ a few blocks away and walked, pretending they took the metro. Everybody was really nice and we cringe now (and laugh) when we think about how we dressed 20 years ago. But it was fun having friends that had their own apartments as teenagers because the unsupervised house parties were amazing! We had a reunion in Paris and everybody is still super nice and contributing to society, some with professorships at Cambridge, some lawyers, and doctors, others as executives, some as chefs. © Alan Wright / Quora
A kid I grew up with had a mom who was the CEO of a local bank and his dad was a personal injury lawyer. On his 13th birthday, his parents bought him a brand new pickup truck and he was the talk of 7th grade for a few weeks. Fast forward to 3 years later and he’s about to turn 16, now demanding that his parents buy him a new one. They, of course, oblige. He gets expelled from his school less than a year later and sent to an alternative boarding school for kids with behavior problems in Montana and I lose contact with him. © TheDukeOfB******es / Reddit
A girl I knew was 17 and her parents bought her a house and a new car and paid all the bills. Once, I was buying a travel ticket and she wanted to buy one too, but she was denied. The last I heard of her, she was getting a film degree — not that she was particularly motivated to become a director or anything, she just liked watching movies. So far as I know she’s now around 28 or so and still hasn’t worked a day in her life. © Nixup / Reddit
My friend’s first roommate in college moved in a day before her and basically redecorated the whole dorm room (had a carpet put in, got a mini-fridge and microwave, stocked the room with a lot of food) so the whole thing looked nothing like a college dorm anymore. She obviously poured a ton of money into it and made it a poor college student’s dream. But one week later she dropped out and moved to Spain. My friend split the goods with me and I got a free mini-fridge and microwave. © Smeterpede / Reddit
I dated this girl and she loved KFC. She ended up getting her dad to buy the franchise of the one across the road, and relocate it to the same side of the road that her apartment was on so she didn’t have to cross the road... © howifarmwood / Reddit
Have you ever encountered people whose families were much wealthier than average? Or, maybe you are from this type of family yourself?
Why not? I would love it!
Because I am proud of what I achieved myself and the goals I reached. I am happy that I did it myself
Oh I see, that makes sense! People who do it all from nothing have my respect
I know a kid who is spoon fed really hard and I think he will not make it far in life, soon he will realize it