When my husband and I were dating I was working 12 hour shifts. The date was after my 3rd in a row and to top it my MD had made me stop caffeine. I fell asleep in the middle of Indiana Jones. He still teases me after 43 years.
16 Taxi Drivers Told Us Their Strangest Job Stories and They Could All Win a Best Plot Award
With the progress of technology, many different applications have become more and more essential in modern life, including transportation applications. As many people use this type of service daily, drivers have stories to tell, and you can bet that they range from the most intriguing to the funniest ones. If you think you’ve heard it all, these app drivers are here to prove to you that, in fact, you haven’t. Modern life still comes with lots of surprises, and these drivers will share some of them with you.
Bright Side decided to share with you some stories from ride-hailing app drivers that are as bizarre as they are hilarious. Who knows, we might even learn something from their stories.

What? No tip? This is chemical gassing Killing me ghastly
If you were a driver, how would you deal with situations like these? Do you know similar stories? 😉
the last one was touching
#14 hilarious😂😂
Some People have an attitude with what they class as Service Personnel.
Some will chat, some won't and Some are just Ignorant A****Les.

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