17 Situations That Only People Who Wear Eyeglasses Can Understand

3 years ago

Wearing eyeglasses is not a big deal, in fact, it even looks simple. How difficult can it be to put your glasses on when you need them and take them off later? And even if you don’t need an explanation for how to put them on, there are definitely things that happen on the go that we weren’t prepared for.

Bright Side made 17 drawings about situations experienced by people who wear glasses on a daily basis. These things were definitely not included in the ophthalmologist’s prescription.

1. Having a hot coffee or tea while watching TV is an impossible challenge.

2. It must be nice to watch TV lying on your side. That is, of course, for those who can actually do that.

3. A rainy landscape is beautiful... if you can see it.

4. The dream for all of us who wear eyeglasses on a rainy day

5. Choosing the right magnification for your lenses is not easy.

6. Kissing with eyeglasses is not as romantic as it should be.

7. Putting on makeup without glasses means doing it one fraction of an inch away from the mirror.

8. The more magnification you use, the smaller your eyes look.

9. Swimming at the beach? What is that?

10. Have you been called “4 eyes”? Well, sometimes you need 6.

11. Relax, we’re not having a bad day, we just don’t have our eyeglasses on.

12. You are so used to wearing your glasses, that you forgot an important detail — taking them off.

13. Sometimes your clothes can make your glasses dirtier than before.

14. Not all people were educated in the art of caring for their eyeglasses.

15. The sound no one wants to hear

16. Luck can be 2 sided.

17. Some friends may be offended because you didn’t greet them when they walked past you.

Are there any situations we missed? Can you mention one? Don’t hesitate to share this article with your friends, so we can all laugh together.


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another struggle of wearing eyeglasses is that when you misplaced you glasses and you forgot where you put it


this must be an old article, no mention of having to wear a mask with glasses. what a bloody nightmare this pandemic is for us spectacle wearing humans

3 years ago
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I put my mask super high on my nose, almost close to my eyes, and then I get my glasses on top
this way it almost never gets foggy


This is one of the best Bright Side articles I've read. Those things are so relatable;also when you cry your eyes will be messed up if you don't remove your glasses ?

Instant smile.

3 years ago
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