18 Animals Who Didn’t Expect Anything Good From Life, but Fate Still Smiled Down on Them

4 years ago

All our furry friends are adorable in their own way. But cute, well-groomed, and healthy cats and dogs are much more likely to find loving owners. Poor creatures with a difficult life story or various health problems often wait a long time for the chance to get adopted by a new family and bounce around shelters for years. That’s why it’s so great when, despite their age or illness, they finally find care and love.

We at Bright Side are convinced that all pets deserve a warm and cozy home, loyal friends, soft bedding, and plenty of goodies — no matter how they look.

“I took in a kitten from the shelter that didn’t have one ear. She saved me when I was going through hard times in life.”

“A year ago, I found my best friend. He bounced around shelters until he was 10 months old. Now, I’ll do everything to make him happy for the rest of his life.”

“Meet Charlie. I just adopted my first dog! He has bad hearing but is an absolute love bug.”

“We just took our new dog, Ellie, home.”

“When we found Bonya, she was suffering from fleas and an eye infection.”

“Meet Pickles. I took this 11-year-old cat home from the shelter. He is already feeling much better.”

Buzz and Loki are still waiting for caring owners.

“I couldn’t leave the shelter without Arlo. Now he’s happy.”

“When we picked up our kitten 2 months ago, he was practically bald and suffered from flea anemia. Look at him now!”

“Our precious angel baby, Albert, the day we brought him home”

“We took an 11-year-old cat home from the shelter. Today, he walked on the street for the first time.”

“Bruce looked like he needed a good home. Now he has one.”

“I just adopted this 10-year-old cat. I haven’t come up with a name yet.”

“Pepper is 13 years old and she was mistreated by her previous owners. But now, she only has love and hugs waiting for her.”

“We took an 8-year-old beagle from the shelter. And recently, the vet said that he is most likely a crossbreed and is only 4 years old. We’re so happy.”

“2 weeks ago, the vet said that this kitten wouldn’t survive. And now they’re completely healthy.”

“When I took Cleo from the shelter, she had heart problems. She is a healthy and happy dog now.”

“We got a dog from the shelter today. The vet says he’s 12 or 13 years old.”

Would you take a pet home from a shelter? Would you prefer a purebred dog or a cutie from our article?

Preview photo credit Maxthecat2020 / Reddit


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people who give animals second chance like this are truly blessed 😍


Our puppy was also adopted from the shelter. I know he was young but I still think we made a good thing :)


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