18 Cat Habits That Make People Squeal With Delight

4 years ago

We all know why the internet was actually created: For cat people to fill social networks with photos and videos of their fluffy friends. And if you look at them every day and feel a little bit remorseful because of the way you uselessly spend your time, we’ve got great news for you. Scientists have proven that not only is looking at cat photos beneficial for our well-being and productivity, they are also the only pictures that make us truly smile.

Bright Side suggests that you take a look at some of these cat’s habits that made us go “aww” and boosted our energy levels so we could finish all of our tasks quicker.

Everyone likes when cats go a bit crazy:

“Don’t drop the catnip.”

When they look puzzled and put down their ears flat against their heads:

When cats try to get in front of the computer:

“I installed a second keyboard for my kitten. The decoy is working.”

Or fit inside the box:

“This is my cat 3 years ago. He ate his box, I threw it away, and he found another one that was 20 × 20 in size and tried to nest in it with a tragic look on his face. I laughed, of course, but soon I found him a newer and bigger box. You can see it in the picture on the right.”

They hide in other objects that weren’t meant for cats:

Cats choose ridiculous sleeping positions:

And they like to show us their tongues:

“This is the first picture my girlfriend took with her new phone.”

Cats easily get surprised by ordinary things:

“Our cat looked out of the window for the first time since we moved into our new apartment.”

They copy their owners:

“My mom sent a picture of my dad trying to get our cat to stop disturbing him while he prays. He gave him his own prayer rug. It’s partly worked so far.”

But they don’t like when their owners copy them:

“There was a big box in our living room, and I asked my sister to get inside. Our cat’s reaction was priceless.”

Cats travel with us:

And are ready to show any dog who’s really in charge:

“We bought a bed for large dogs, for our dog...”

But they’re terrified of vacuum cleaners:

They look gorgeous in any outfit:

Especially if it looks like the one their hooman wears:

They’re ready to support their owners at work:

And share our important events with us:

“I’m proud because I’ve just become a US citizen. I just wanted to celebrate with my loyal little friend who I found on my patio 6 months ago. She made me a cat lover. She will get raw fish for the first time today.”

Cats stay by our sides, happily ever after:

“I brought home a stray cat when I was 17 years old. I’m 36 now. Every time I go to my parents’ house, I check to make sure he is still there and give him some extra love before I leave. His name is Scooter.”

What cat habit do you like the most and why?

Preview photo credit some_carboi / Reddit


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How come I always see cats sitting on someone's keyboard?


It's funny because I was thinking the same. Perhaps, they like how it feels haha


Those are a lot of cats scared of a simple vaccum cleaner ?


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