20+ Nannies Who Worked in Rich Families and Revealed What’s Going On Behind the Doors of Mansions

The saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine.” It’s always nice to share a good laugh, as it contagiously forms social bonds. A study actually revealed that laughter really is good for your health. It protects your heart, reduces stress, and it may also help you live longer. And you’ve come to the right place for this.
Here at Bright Side, we all love funny situations. That’s why we’ve put together an adorable and funny compilation that will put a grin on your face.
My mom told me that babies came from pumpkin patches. I thought if you ate a pumpkin, you’d become pregnant.
© Im_Confusled / Reddit
Lost my stuffed animal at the airport in Miami when I was 5. It was my favorite, and I was really sad about it. A few weeks later, my mom presented me with a brown dog that otherwise looked exactly like the white one I’d lost. She said the workers at the airport had found it and mailed it to us,
but that he got a tan because he was in Florida.
© thallomys / Reddit
Not me, but my brother was convinced for a few weeks that some cows had longer legs on one side of their body, so they could stand on hills.
© pdxblazer / Reddit
I live by some fairly large mountains. One day it was so overcast you couldn’t see them. I asked my brother why we couldn’t see them, and he said that construction workers cut them down.
I was so sad at that moment. But I was relieved to see them the next day.
© mjacobson7 / Reddit
My brother and I wrote letters to Santa. Our Dad would open up the coal furnace door
and we would throw them in the fire. We believed they would go directly to the North Pole.
© TrainMouse1949 / Reddit
Do you have similar stories from your childhood? If you do, feel free to share them in the comment section. We would be more than happy to take a look at them.