18 Intriguing Things People Found Out About Their Partners After Moving In Together

You meet someone, and you think they’re the perfect partner. But it’s not until you move in together that you begin to notice some strange things. Some quirks can be real fun, while others can be annoying. Everyone, after all, is used to living in their own way. Here, people shared what habits of their significant others surprised them the most.

  • I moved in with my boyfriend a few months ago. His car is like a pet! It constantly needs a check-up or an oil change. And we’re on the joint budget.
    I said to him, “I need to get my crowns done this month.” And the boyfriend says, “Our brakes are buzzing, so the crowns can wait.” I explain to him that health is more important — you have to spend on it first.
    And he said, “Your crowns will be the only way to recognize us when the brakes fail.” The visit to the dentist apparently is getting postponed. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • My husband and I just got married. I started washing, white clothes separately, shirts separately, the rest — all in one pile. 10 minutes later, I hear a scream, “Mary, why did you put my underwear
    with your jumpers? How will I then watch you walk around in clothes that were washed with my dirty underwear?”
  • My wife and I have only been married just under 2 years, but we’ve been together almost 12. We lived together 3 months in, so I knew most of her weird habits and routines.
    One thing that caught me off guard and grosses me out, though, is her love for French toast and ketchup! It’s the most revolting thing I’ve ever seen a person eat. For almost a decade, she hid this weird obsession, all because she knew I don’t like ketchup! © Wonderful_Formal6130 / Reddit
  • I’ve been approached by a former childhood friend. He came to visit me from another town. One day he saw me doing the laundry. By hand! So, he threw me his underwear.
    I was shocked. But I tried to wash them. I realized they were no good and threw them aside. It was a wake-up call when he asked me why I did it.
    Despite that, we started living together and got married. Exclusively on my salary. 2 months later, I filed for divorce. And he took away the ring, which I also bought. © Nina Alexandrovna / Dzen
  • My wife sleep bites. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to pinch. It’s not super common, so I always forget until it happens a year or so later.
    It’s not just sleep biting. She rises out of sleep like a cartoon vampire and just starts snapping her jaw open and shut. Nyah Nyah Nyah! I once woke up in time to literally hold her off with my hand on her forehead while yelling for her to wake up.
    That’s backfired on me, and she’s bit my hand once. The worst was I, an extremely light sleeper, didn’t wake up in time, and she got me on the cheek. She’s always apologetic but damn. © EducatedRat / Reddit
  • Just moved in with my boyfriend. We were fixing to watch a movie and he wanted popcorn. He said, “Too bad we don’t have any lettuce.” I asked if he wanted a salad, he said, “No, I want popcorn and lettuce.”
    He said he never said anything at the movie theater because he always knows they never have lettuce. The man eats bites of lettuce and popcorn together. His whole family does. © IllTechnician5828 / Reddit
  • For the first 8 years of our life together, my husband had a stupid habit of never apologizing. He thought it would just work itself out. Sometimes he made up stupid situations to make up.
    One time I was very offended. So, he pulled out the fuse in my car. I get in, it won’t start. He thought he’d be my savior and I’d forgive him.
    No way, I decided to do it my way this time. I dialed my sister’s husband’s number and they helped me. But with his prank, my husband amused me so much that I almost stopped being angry with him. © Ekaterina Buzynina / Dzen
  • My husband put on his socks first when getting dressed. I looked over one morning, and he looked like a dad from a sitcom with high socks on but nothing else. I was like, “You put your socks on first and not last?” And he was like, “Yeah. I guess.”
    It made me question if I was weird for doing the opposite. To be fair, I did find it a little adorable he would walk around like a middle-aged dad every morning while getting ready. © ohno807 / Reddit
  • A friend hates to cook. But what was my surprise when she moved in with her boyfriend and started cooking some elaborate meals 2 times a day. She complained to me that she was tired, and even cleaning was easier for her. I strongly advised her to discuss it with her boyfriend.
    She was afraid at first, she said she was sure he’d leave her. But then she agreed. And yesterday, she called and said that she was shocked to find out that her boyfriend is ready to cook for both of them. Looks like my friend is in good hands. © Caramel / VK
  • I moved in with a guy. And he says to me, "It's time to make my signature dish! The royal dumpling!" I asked him what it was. And he replies, "The royal one! Only for the chosen ones!"
    Dinner came, and there was one giant ugly dumpling in the center of the plate! And he proudly explains, "You defrost the dumplings, take them apart, gather all the minced meat into one huge meatball, and mold all the dough into one sheet. You wrap it up and cook it."
    Next time, he promises to make "juicy pasta." I'm already scared. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • We lived with a guy at my expense in my sister's flat. We lived modestly, but we had enough money. Then the guy started earning more than me. And my health was failing.
    So the guy suggested, "Quit your job to get better and rest." So I did. A month later, he was like, "Pay your half for the utility bills." I didn't understand, so I asked him again.
    Turned out he decided to buy some stuff for himself. He said he's paying for groceries. I cried for a few days and asked him to move out. © Unknown author / Pikabu
  • When my wife moved in, she brought this blue enameled stainless steel dinner plate with her. She used to eat off it all the time. I asked her about it once, and she was, "I just like it."
    Anyway, about a decade into our relationship, we bought a house and moved in. The plate, by this time, was battered. The enamel coating had worn through, and I was beginning to worry it was unsanitary for actual meal.
    While we were packing up to move, we were sorting things into boxes, and what was going in the dumpster, or to the new house. My wife slowly picked up that enameled plate, a single tear on her cheek, and lowered it gently into the garbage. I asked her why, and she was like, "Rusty had to go."
    Took years, but I finally found another, almost exactly the same, in an antique shop. I gave it to her for some event, I can't recall. Birthday, something. Doesn't matter. But man, she cried so much. It's still in the cabinet. © Brief-Increase1022 / Reddit
  • I grew up in a large family, so I developed the habit of telling people that I was going to use the toilet every time. Since then, I’ve been telling this even to colleagues and friends. I didn’t see it as a big deal.
    But when I moved in with my boyfriend, he said to me, “Sunshine, you don’t have to say it.” And it got me thinking. Maybe it’s weird. I decided to s
    top. Then one day I was lying with my boyfriend watching a movie. I got up silently and went to the toilet. And he’s like, “Where are you going?” Like really? © Chamber 6 / VK
  • He will literally cross his legs in his sleep. Like imagine sitting on a chair, and you know how men do the wide leg cross? Where their foot sits on the other knee?
    Well, he stands the leg up, so the blanket looks like a tent. The first time I woke up beside him, and he was doing that, I almost cried laughing. Never seen that before, that’s for sure. © insomniacsanonymus / Reddit
  • When I arrive after a long day at work, tired and hungry, my beloved cheers me up with singing. She sings all the time: when she cooks or cleans, in the shower and even before going to sleep. And how she takes high notes!
    The first time it happened, she gave me a mischievous look and handed me my guitar, “Let’s sing together!” I strummed and started to sing along. But my ears weren’t expecting that — she thought she could sing. She’s a wonderful dancer, though. She’s unique. © Seb González / Quora
  • My girlfriend and I have a complete mismatch of schedules. I like to sleep in, and she’s a morning person. And that’s all right, but she opens the curtains and makes a lot of noise in the morning. She’s trying to synchronize us. She’s recently got into the habit of playing music in the morning.
    One night I couldn’t stand it and went to sleep to another room. And she took offense. Then I found a way out — I bought her a morning subscription to dance classes. Now everyone’s happy. She spends her energy on training, and I continue to sleep. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • I have my own flat and the guy lived with his family. Eventually, he started sleeping over at my place. Even got a spare key. I earned well, and he earned less than me, but we had love!
    I tried to cook him good food. And then his father got him a good job, he started earning much better. He started wearing the most expensive clothes and stopped eating my cooking, “Tonight, dad and I are going to a restaurant.”
    Gradually, he began to think my work wasn’t good enough. And I remembered how he ran away from the noise of his family to me, so generous and asking for nothing. I told him everything. And he doesn’t even remember how things used to be. © IChungaChanga / Pikabu
  • My boyfriend sleeps propped up on like 4 pillows. He pulls the covers up to his chin, then puts his arms outside of the blankets. He also doesn’t like his feet being covered by the blanket. I think he is a psychopath. © Dismal-Accident***6 / Reddit

And here are family stories about people whose life is a definition of fun.


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