18 Photos Where the Magic Lies in the Details

3 years ago

Photography is an art, for sure. But managing to click the right photo at just the right time with all the elements in the right place is more science than art, even if you have to zoom into the picture to truly understand all that’s going on in it.

Bright Side found a few such pictures clicked by Redditors that have a lot more going in them than what meets the eye, initially.

1. “This cat figured out how to open the toilet to drink from it.”

2. “A round deck of playing cards”

3. “I couldn’t find a bookmark, so I used a piece of twine and if I look at the right angle, it extends the cover art of my book.”

4. “This bathroom door has a notch so it can close.”

5. “Sunrise in Amsterdam, same spot, same time, 24 hours apart”

6. “The grips on the PS5 controller are the PlayStation symbols.”

7. “The power of the fence’s shade”

8. “Driving in wintry weather formed ice spikes all the way around my tires.”

9. “My bonsai tree kind of looks like a gorilla.”

10. “Find the dog...”

11. “This upside-down art made of spools of thread that looks like a Van Gogh painting when viewed through a glass sphere”

12. “Got a Pokémon card of my cat.”

13. “My valentine captured me taking a nap...aww!”

14. “Banana Marley”

15. “Took a picture of this monarch caterpillar and there is another insect hitching a ride on it.”

16. “I saw a truck bed made out of old wood rulers.”

17. “I found this ceiling light full of rubber ducks in Edinburgh.”

18. “My periodic table shower curtain has the element of surprise on it.”

Which of these pictures did you zoom in on the most? Have you ever clicked a picture only to discover something special in it later?

Preview photo credit mALLIC2k6/reddit


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