18 Times People Realized Their Grandparents Were Strikingly Beautiful

3 years ago

Old family pictures may surprise us. You may find out that your grandmother took part in a beauty contest and saved cool bikini photos, or that your grandfather was a bodybuilder and looked like a movie star.

We at Bright Side continue to keep track of awesome retro photos with gorgeous people, and today, we’d like to show you some more of them.

1. “My grandfather just recently turned 98 years old. My grandmother thought he looked like a movie star.”

2. “My nonna at the beach sometime in the 1940s”

3. “My Sicilian grandparents in New York, 1927”

4. “My handsome grandfather circa WWII. He was a barber for 60 years.”

5. “My second cousin, Jessica Alba’s abuela (grandmother), 1940s”

6. “This handsome soldier from 1965 is my dad.”

7. “My grandfather and the love of his life, my grandmother”

8. “My great-uncle, Mr. Iran, and great-grandfather”

9. “My grandmother, 1954”

10. “My grandpa, sometime around 1916, playing football”

11. “My grandmother in the Netherlands, 1959”

12. “My grandfather survived 2 near-fatal car crashes, fought in Vietnam, and won several major bodybuilding competitions.”

13. “My grandfather, around age 20, looking pleased while holding a trophy”

14. “My grandma competing in Miss Arkansas in the 1940s — she got second place.”

15. “My beautiful grandmother was a flamenco dancer in the ’40s.”

16. “My grandpa and his brother in the 1930s”

17. “My super-hot great-uncle, 1944”

18. “My grandfather, a master sergeant and lead mechanic”

Do you have old photos of your grandparents? Please share them with us!

Preview photo credit evelynisnotreal / reddit


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Those people are so beautiful! One of my fave types of Bright Side articles are about grandparents and their photos 😇😇😇😇


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