14 Women Said “Hasta la Vista, Baby” to Waxing and Embraced Their Natural Body

Girls stuff
year ago

For years there has been a prejudice in society that women must shave or wax their body hair to be truly feminine, neat, and delicate. However, times have changed, and more and more girls are joining the movement of love for their bodies, the “natural,” getting rid of shavers and tweezers to let their hair grow biologically and feel proud to be able to show them to the world.

1. “Body female hair is normal.”

2. “Arm day at the gym. I don’t care who stares anymore.”

3. “Body hair is womanly!!”

4. “Got a pedicure with hairy legs for the first time.”

5. “When I was young, I worried about people thinking body hair was gross. Then I got older and realized life’s simpler without shaving.”

6. “A mini photo shoot in the botanical gardens.”

7. “Natural light, natural body”

8. “Happy and hairy! I kept all the things I enjoyed about being a ‘girly girl’ (makeup, high heels, manicures) and ditched the things I didn’t (RAZORS!!!)”

9. “I can’t wait until it’s warm enough to wear this dress outside.”

10. “Here are my legs after a swim.”

11. “Keep on smiling”

12. “It’s been over 6 years since I shaved my legs/pits.”

13. “The 70s called, they want their shag back.”

14. “I keep my upper lip hair — ever since I was a young girl. It has never bothered me but it always has bothered some other (close-minded) people.”

What do you think about women letting their body hair grow naturally?


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