19 Crazy Ads That Took Marketing to a Whole New Level

5 years ago

Time doesn’t stand still. Modern companies have to create something unique to surprise and impress people. That’s why giant installations, interactive billboards, and other amazing ideas on the verge of brilliance and madness appear all over the place.

Bright Side has collected some examples of cool ads that prove marketing specialists are the craziest, most creative people.

3M’s security glass invites you to test your might and break their bulletproof screen full of money. By the way, no one has ever succeeded.

Hulk stopped a runaway tram in Blackpool.

Here’s a Bugatti made from a million Lego details. You can even drive it (the engine isn’t real)!

Spider-Man style in a train

This Russian milk brand invites you to an online excursion.

Coca-Cola installed a huge billboard with a pump full of the beverage so that you can try Coke Zero.

This ice installation was created to celebrate the launch of a new TV series.

This shelter invites you to play with a virtual dog at a railway station.

In honor of Jurassic Park’s 25th anniversary, a statue of Jeff Goldblum was installed in London.

This interactive poster got people to make letters with their own bodies.

This 3D Coca-Cola sign is in The Guinness World Records.

This bus stop smells like food and advertises a cookbook.

Passengers whose flights have been delayed got KitKats in Sao Paulo.

A witty ad from a company building garages

All these things hanging on a billboard are real (including the TV).

Balmain fashion brand advertises its new collection using 3 virtual models.

Audi installed a huge ice logo and offered a discount until it melted.

Pizza Hut shoes that can order pizza

An obvious difference in display resolutions

Which ad impressed you most? Tell us your thoughts down below.

Preview photo credit 3m.com


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