19 Vintage Photos From Family Albums That Take Coolness to a Whole New Level

3 years ago

Buckle up because we’re about to take a trip to memory lane. And we won’t be meeting any ordinary people. On this ride, you’ll get to know a mom that used to be Jason Bateman’s buddy, a mom that is a famous singer’s doppelgänger, and everything in between.

Bright Side found the most startling family relics to share with you today. Your journey is about to begin.

1. “My grandma hanging out with Albert Einstein in his backyard

2. “My great-grandfather Gene in the ’40s-’50s”

3. “My mom went skiing with Jason Bateman back on New Year’s Day in 1987.”

4. “I’ve always thought my mom looked a bit like Selena.”

5. “My mom’s all-girl rock band in the ’60s”

6. “My mom, her brother, and their cousins in the early 1970s. The definition of old school cool!”

7. “My dad and grandfather in 1951”

8. “I was adopted and my biological family found me. This gem was amongst the pics I was sent: my grandmother.”

9. “I’m 90% sure that The Beach Boys wrote a song about your mom.”

10. “All aboard the Swag Express.”

11. “My girlfriend’s grandparents the year they met, 1950 in Australia”

12. “Kid looks cooler than I ever have, even rocking the ’buy a few sizes bigger so he can wear it more than once’ look.”

13. “My uncle when he was a super edgy kid in the ’70s”

14. “Me in 1987, trying to be a rock star”

15. “My grandfather when he was 20 years old. This was in 1925 before a dance.”

16. “Your dad looks like he’s on his way to fight Neo from The Matrix.”

17. “My grandma graduating from Northwestern University in the ’50s with 2 kids and all”

18. “My mom sometime in the ’80s messing with my dad’s guitar”

19. “My dad in 1984 trying to transfer files from his Commodore 64 to his first Apple computer”

What are the best stories from your family that were passed down along generations?

Please note: This article was updated in January 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit OGnilla / Reddit


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