18 Vivid Comparisons That Can Turn Your World Upside Down

5 years ago

Have you ever seen the size of a whale shark compared to a person? Do you know what a knife looks like after 20 years of use? Internet users share some photos that answer these and many other questions. By the way, the answers are even more interesting than you might think!

18. A Venezuelan avocado and a German avocado from an eco-market

17. The same place in Tuscany, several months apart

16. On the left is a new water filter cartridge. On the right is one that has been used for 3 months.

15. This giant Mississippi mosquito

14. The deterioration of the calf muscle after breaking the left heel

13. A tan and a natural skin tone on the same person

12. A 20-year-old knife compared to a brand new one

11. An 11-day-old mouse and a newborn

10. “My parents and their first house in 1963 and today”

9. Berlin on the edge of time

8. A whale shark and divers

7. Stairs built in 1829 vs 2005

6. The way friends change

5. A Ken doll made in 1985 vs a Ken doll made in 2018

4. This is how one person can change the world.

3. Robert Irwin feeding the same crocodile in the same place as his father, Steve Irwin, 15 years later

2. The biggest goose egg and the smallest hen egg on the farm

1. Internet users actively discuss the difference between Kylie Jenner’s photos published one day apart.

Let’s play! Compare 2 things, take a photo, and add it to the comments!

Please note: This article was updated in January 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit sum1otherthanme / reddit


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Friends change, friendship stays forever.

Very touching photo :)


History has an unusual way of repeating itself. The friends photo was especially heartwarming


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