What 16 Popular Musicians Looked Like at the Start of Their Career

Many actors who acted in the movies about The Boy Who Lived had bright careers before they took part in the Harry Potter films. It’s likely that many of us remember the extravagant Gary Oldman in The Fifth Element or the attractive Ralph Fiennes in Wuthering Heights. But it seems that movies about Harry Potter erased these characters from our memory and we didn’t even notice that Sirius Black is the industrialist, Jean-Baptiste, while Lord Voldemort is the very handsome Heathcliff.
We at Bright Side decided to recall the early roles of the actors who performed in various Harry Potter films, and we were amazed at how familiar their faces look to us.
Bandit Valentin Zukovsky (The World Is Not Enough) and kind man Rubeus Hagrid (Harry Potter movie series)
Gunilla (The First Wives Club) and Professor McGonagall (Harry Potter movie series)
Wicket W. Warrick (Star Wars: Return of the Jedi) and Professor Flitwick (Harry Potter movie series)
Magistrate Philipse (Sleepy Hollow) and Vernon Dursley (Harry Potter movie series)
Agatha Trunchbull (Matilda) and Marge Dursley (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)
Eddy (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels) and Lord Voldemort’s servant, Scabior (Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows, part 1 and part 2)
Spike (Notting Hill) and Xenophilius Lovegood (Harry Potter movie series)
R (The World Is Not Enough) and Nearly Headless Nick (Harry Potter movie series)
Jude, Bridget Jones’s friend (Bridget Jones’s Diary), and Moaning Myrtle (Harry Potter movie series)
Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg (The Fifth Element) and Sirius Black (Harry Potter movie series)
Paul Verlaine (Total Eclipse) and Remus Lupin (Harry Potter movie series)
Elinor Dashwood (Sense and Sensibility) and Professor Trelawney (Harry Potter movie series)
Ruthless McCloy (Mission: Impossible 2) and evil fighter Alastor Moody (Harry Potter movie series)
Lady Van Tassel (Sleepy Hollow) and Rita Skeeter (Harry Potter movie series)
Professor Kirke (Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) and Horace Slughorn (Harry Potter movie series)
Writer Giles De’Ath (Love and Death on Long Island) and Garrick Ollivander (Harry Potter movie series)
Horace (101 Dalmatians) and Arthur Weasley (Harry Potter movie series)
Explorer Ronald Quincy (Armageddon) and Lucius Malfoy (Harry Potter movie series)
Heathcliff (Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights) and Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter movie series)
Colonel Brandon (Sense and Sensibility) and Professor Snape (Harry Potter movie series)
Who’s your favorite character in the Harry Potter movie franchise?