When a person gets one or more furry friends, their life definitely changes for the better. Charming and cute, cats and dogs have incredible charisma, and you just can’t stay away from the camera to take yet another photo of them.
At Bright Side, we couldn’t ignore these touching photos and emotional stories about our pets and their relationships with their owners.
“The chubbiest thing you will see today”
“It’s the first time they’ve slept with each other in the 6 years of them growing up together. Hope they only get closer!”
“I’d been looking for my slippers all over the house, then I saw her like this.”
The sleeping kingdom
“When they sleep, they cuddle in the shape of a heart!”
“Alfred is asking me to protect him from the new kitty. It’s hard being a big brother!”
“Marmalade enjoys the warmth and love of his first Christmas with us after living on the streets in the cold.”
“A heartbreaking photo of our first move — Kabrosha was worried that we wouldn’t take him with us.”
“Dreaming of more ways to keep the ball from her brother”
“My cat isn’t normally photogenic, but I caught him looking pretty cute.”
“My wife loves fostering kittens. I walked in to find this litter all cuddled up together!”
“After 3 long months of trying to get her trust, this cutie has finally adopted me!”
“Don’t be suspicious, don’t be suspicious...”
“I took a photo of this cute dog in my building, and she started singing in the middle of the photo!”
“I caught this absolute angel begging for treats.”
“I rescued 2 senior dogs a couple of days ago and they’re very wary of me. I woke up this morning to this sweet guy curling up next to me.”
This cat climbs the tree every day to say hi to the house cat.
The best channel on TV
“I told him to smile for the camera but I didn’t think he actually would!”
“This little guy just flew across Canada with me. As you can see in his eyes, he was not happy about it. Now he’s home, safe and sound!”
“Nothing special, just a little heating up. It’s January. It’s cold.”
Do you have a cat or dog that’s devilishly charming? Show their photos in the comments below and tell us their stories.