20 Ideas for Keeping Your Kids’ Precious Moments Alive Forever

Family & kids
5 years ago

Kids grow up in the blink of an eye and we bet many parents wish they could freeze their precious childhood moments. While doing this isn’t actually possible, people make up ways to keep these memories alive for the rest of their lives.

Bright Side has collected several heartwarming, special things you can do to preserve your kids’ keepsakes.

1. Make a blanket with your kid’s copied drawings.

2. Make a toy out of a character they draw.

3. Make a blanket out of your baby’s clothes.

4. Or a pillow

5. When your baby is born, create an email and send some stories and photos to it over the years. Give the child the password on his/her 18th birthday.

6. Make a shirt with the date of their graduation and take pictures of the kid in it every year to see how much they grow.

7. Record your kid every week/month and make a video of them growing up.

Watch the example here.

8. Make a time capsule with your kid for their future self.

Let the kid write himself or herself a letter and fill the box with some memorable things like toys, drawings, a list of interests, school photos, etc. See the instructions here.

9. Write down every funny thing they say and put it in a jar.

10. Interview your kids every year and write down a little personality summary.

Years later, it’ll be great to read and remember what has changed.

11. Make a shadow box that illustrates your kid’s personality.

12. Make a stuffed toy out of your baby’s first onesie.

13. Make a funny cup with handprints on it.

14. Collect all their letters to Santa.

15. Ask big life questions and film their answers.

Years later, it’ll be so fun to hear what your baby’s thoughts were on what they’d do if they became president, what it meant to be happy, etc.

16. Buy 2 identical toys on your baby’s birthday. Gift them one and their first child the other one years later.

17. Make a bucket list and take a photo of your kid every time a dream comes true.

18. Create a memory box.

Put their tickets, notes from other kids, random stuff from their pockets, printed photos, and favorite things back to your kid years later as a memorable gift.

19. Choose a picture and put it on a piece of jewelry or a keychain, and give it to your kid as a present when they grow up.

20. Write letters to your kids when you feel like you want to say something.

Which of these fun things will you definitely implement? Do you have any ideas of your own? Share them with everyone in the comments below.


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really like idea #19. I would gladly receive such a present myself right now!


if I had such a blanket when I was a kid I would be so happy, This is a dream of a young artist :D


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