20 Life Tips That Will Completely Change the Way You Look At Ordinary Things

Advice on the matters of daily life is nearly always useful. People accumulate so much experience in doing the simplest to the most complicated things, and when they pass it on it can help so much to make your life easier.

Here are 20 of the must useful tips for life which we’ve come across. They’re guaranteed to make sure that tedious every day problems don’t spoil your fantastic mood!

1. Making meat even tastier

Some of the tastiest dishes out there can be made with mince. But if you marinate it while it’s in the fridge even just a little bit, it will taste a whole lot better!

2. Getting rid of a sore throat

If you drink hot milk with cardamom, then any inflammation and soreness in your throat will disappear a whole lot quicker.

3. Starting a fire easily

If you need to light a campfire fast, just remember that you can use potato chips. They burn better than any specially-produced lighter fluid, and work even when firewood is damp!

4. Calming yourself down quickly

If you need to calm yourself down very quickly, press down on the patch of skin between your nose and your lips, using your thumb, for three seconds. This can help even if you think you’re having a nervous breakdown!

5. Boiling potatoes quicker

Potatoes will boil quicker if you add a little butter to the saucepan.

6. Checking how fresh an egg is

This one’s easy — if you drop an egg into some cold water so that it’s completely submerged, a fresh egg will sink to the bottom. The ones that have gone off will float to the surface.

7. Substituting bananas for eggs in baking

You can replace eggs with bananas when making the dough for cookies or a pie. Half a banana is roughly equal to one egg.

8. Removing a glue stain from glass

Removing a glue stain from glass can be done using ordinary household vegetable oil. Just smear some oil on the affected area, leave for ten minutes, then wipe with a paper towel.

9. Boiling beans and pulses faster

Did you forget to soak the beans or peas? Boil them in unsalted water, adding a tablespoon of cold water every 7-10 minutes. That way they’ll be ready with no trouble at all.

10. Getting rid of an ink or paint stain on clothing

Acetone will help with this problem. It needs to be wiped on the affected area, then rub it with spirit of hartshorn.

11. What to do with a cracked egg

You can in fact still make use of a broken egg. Just boil it as normal, and then it can be used for salads or sandwiches.

12. Drying footwear quickly

The trick here is to use salt. Heat it up in a frying pan, sprinkle it inside a sock, and then place the sock inside the wet shoe. If the moisture doesn’t disappear in a certain amount of time, just put in a new sock. Your shoes will be dry in no time at all!

13. Boiling milk faster

Milk is guaranteed to boil faster if you add a pinch of sugar.

14. A simple way to grate cheese

Before you start trying to grate some hard cheese, smear some vegetable oil on the grater. The cheese won’t get stuck together, and the grater itself becomes easier to wash!

15. Getting rid of unpleasant odours in the kitchen

It’s easy to get rid of bad smells in the kitchen. Pour one tablespoon of ordinary vinegar into a frying pan and heat until it evaporates.

16. Reusing a dried-out lemon

A lemon which is starting to dry out can be restored to its previous degree of freshness with ease. Just leave it in a bowl of water for a couple of hours.

17. Breaking in new shoes

There’s a really cunning trick for breaking in new shoes. Put on some thick socks, and then really stretch the shoes onto your feet. While wearing them like this, heat the shoes with a hair dryer for about 10 minutes.

18. Getting rid of a headache

You can ease the pain of a throbbing headache if you rub a slice of lemon on your forehead. It sounds crazy, but trust us, the aroma of citrus fruit can really calm you down!

19. Picking up bits of broken glass

You can gather up even the smallest bits of broken glass by using plasticine.

20. Protect your smartphone

The screen of your smartphone can become scratched very quickly if you don’t cover it with protective film. Put a little toothpaste on a cloth, then carefully rub it on to any scratches. Remove any remaining toothpaste and wipe the screen dry.


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