boy that main coon is so huuuuge
20 Objects and Animals That Are So Oversized, They’ll Make You Feel Small
We’re used to seeing certain beings and things that have a specific shape and size, but sometimes nature comes with big surprises. Maybe that’s the most wonderful and unique thing about the world we live in, that nature and life, in general, are always ready to give us information, images, and objects we’ve never seen before. With things like this, it’s hard to get bored, and it’s more than likely you’ll be amazed at how unique these finds are.
Bright Side is passionate about nature and all those little details that make this planet an amazing place. That’s why we’ve decided to bring you a selection of images that show how great everything around us can be.
1. “Not sure if my new hat is big enough...”
2. “I can’t believe how big he’s gotten at almost 6 months, he used to look like a little bear cub, now he’s a beast!”
3. “My big boy with a proper Samoan coconut for scale”
4. “Cabbage with sausage and onion...for dinner tonight”
5. “Chilling with my big boy”
6. “My Maine Coon compared to my 5’5” girlfriend"
7. “I see your big Allen wrench, and I raise you...a bigger Allen wrench.”
8. “We thought you would appreciate this absolute unit of French Macaron I made. :)”
9. “This massive guy from my cereal this morning”
10. “Buster is corpulent and rotund.”
11. “This sandwich my dad made me”
12. “After 2 years of trying, Norman finally sat still long enough for me to snag a pic! Love this furry giant so much!”
13. “A GIANT octopus!”
14. “My second harvest so far! Having fun trying sweet and savory dishes.”
15. “Look at this beautiful giant. First time seeing redwoods in person.”
16. “This huge potato I bought today”
17. “My giant dog is such a cuddle bug! I’m pretty sure she thinks she’s the same size as the cat.”
18. “A new giant amethyst formation was found in Uruguay!”
19. With this huge lemon, there’s no way you won’t be drinking lemonade for the rest of the year.
20. “I found a Cyclops moth and it was huge...bigger than half my hand!”
What things have you come across that have blown your mind because of their gigantic size? What objects have you always thought should be bigger?
I need this macaroon in my life ❤

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