20+ People Just Wanted a Good Meal but Something Replaced Hunger With Anger

3 years ago

When you’re too tired to cook or when you have no time to do it, ordering food from a restaurant or going out to a diner is the best choice. But this can be like rolling the dice because you never really know how great the chef is. So, very often, instead of filling our stomachs, they kill our appetite with terrible nuggets, bad-looking salads, and other cooking “masterpieces.”

We at Bright Side really hope that next time, the people from today’s compilation will have better luck with food. And we are thankful to the users who shared their failures with the rest of the world and made us smile.

1. “My Caesar salad. Fortunately, I wasn’t hungry.”

2. “I decided to present to you my croissant.”

3. “$40 meal from room service”

4. “Bought a 4-pack of frozen pretzels. Only got 2 and about 17 salt packets.”

5. “This is why you check your food before you leave the restaurant...”

6. “Gyro” seems like a bit of an overstatement.

7. “Where are my strawberries?”

8. “We bought a burger to heat it up in the microwave and this is what was inside...”

9. “It tastes worse than it looks.”

10. “So, I ordered a salad...”

11. So much pain in this photo...

12. “I went out to eat at a popular restaurant, and the waitress served me with just a single spoon. I asked for complete cutlery, but she got angry and came back with the second frame.”

13. “The saddest takeaway and grimmest Mozzarella sticks I’ve ever ordered.”

14. “Loving it! Got some McDonalds last night in London and it was moldy. I ordered a Big Mac not a McMold.”

15. Looks like something’s missing.

16. “I ordered some lunch.”

17. “I know it’s airline food, but sweet United Airlines, why would you let someone pay $10 for this?”

18. “The sushi at this buffet”

19. “So I ordered a bacon cheeseburger with barbecue sauce and they gave me no bacon or buns.”

20. This deluxe Parma pizza

21. “This is my lunch.”

22. “Not quite what I was led to expect.”

Have you ever been disappointed with the food you bought?

Preview photo credit fannyabdabs / Reddit


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Those salads are a DISASTER!! I've been a vegan for quite some time now and I really cannot believe how much fast foods and restaurants can be "deceiving" when it comes to a salad :p


Not a vegetarian but I totally agree! The worst thing ever, I remember when we were in Paris for our honeymoon with my husband and I ordered a fresh veggie salad for 20euros and get what I got... lettuce with olive oil and vinegar... JESUS!


hahahah I've been in France and most restaurants are quite expensive! At least was the lettuce fresh and tasty?


I bet it was hard to even feel the taste of pizza ingredients there...so much sauce...


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