№11 - "The Gummy Bear Centipede" :D
People will never stop looking for signs of luck, be it a lucky number, a 4-leaf clover, a horseshoe, or any other symbol of good fortune. Surprisingly enough, an ordinary shopping trip to the grocery store can satisfy the urge of a luck hunter and bless them with a real food jackpot.
Here at Bright Side we want you to meet these food lottery winners who know what it means to be on a roll.
Would you like to “win” any of these jackpots yourself? Have you ever got that lucky when buying food? Feel free to tell us in the comments!
№11 - "The Gummy Bear Centipede" :D
#6's extra bottom is the best part of any ice cream!
What can be better than a juicy watermelon without seeds?
I have never won such a food lottery, but I envy this giant french fry :(