The cat in number 21 looks like he needs so much love and caring! I hope he got it ?
20+ Photos That Reveal How Much Animals Long for Our Support
Animals are capable of thinking and feeling emotions, just like human beings. In fact, how they form relationships and feel empathy is very similar to us. They grieve the loss of their family and they even panic when they are lost far away from home. When humans come forward to offer help, animals appreciate it more than we realize.
Bright Side has put together a collection of photos showing different ways animals rely on humans for support and how they thank them.
1. A ranger soothing a young gorilla after it lost its mother
2. “A man with his dog next to his taxi, which was destroyed when a building collapsed”
3. She brought her friend the next day.
4. My girlfriend put a bird feeder on our deck. This guy ate himself to sleep.
5. “Me in Bali getting hugged by a sun bear, they’re such gentle creatures.”
6. “Fostering GingerGurl is one of the best things I’ve ever done.”
7. “She fell asleep in the palm of my hand.”
8. A baby walrus who got separated from his group hugged his trainer once he was rescued.
9. “Brought her home today from the local animal shelter. She’s 12. They said no one wanted her. I do.”
10. “Fed 2 ducks yesterday on the porch and woke up to this today...”
11. This dog thanks its rescuer after being saved from drowning in a lake.
12. Cops found this fluffy rabbit who was lost and wandering around the streets. They rescued it and moved it to a farm.
13. “I put an empty box out and came back 10 minutes later to this.”
14. “This is Aretha, a rescue cow. She groomed my legs with her tongue and then fell asleep. She’s a good girl.”
15. “She’s afraid of men, so my husband put a blanket down for her. She laid by him and used his head for a pillow.”
16. “Poor little guy couldn’t make it past the waves and the seagulls were circling. So I called the sea turtle rescue.”
17. “After nursing Hercules for 4 weeks, I released him outside, and he has been coming back to visit every day!”
18. This owl was taken in by rescuers after being hit by a car. He’s on his way to a speedy recovery!
19. “My friend read a report about a stranded dog on Mt. Bross in Colorado and proceeded to climb the mountain and rescue said dog.”
20. “Found him trapped inside a chicken coop, under a waterer, unable to move. Was able to give him some sugar water and bring him back.”
21. This little guy was squeaking in my back yard.
Have you ever rescued an animal? Share their photos with us in the comments!
The ranger and the gorilla in number 1 look like they're friends. So sweet!
They really look like they need our help so bad. I've had the opportunity to do it and I can't even explain how satisfying is to see animals in need happy and recovered! Support defenseless animals!!!
I found this tiniest kitten when she was crying through the cyclone fence in the back yard. Started putting food and water out, then my cat decided he wanted to help to. He started playing with her and would sleep by her side. He just loves her.

This is Birdie, she is 5 weeks old. By a stroke of luck I saw her move in a ditch after a heavy rain, while stopped at a light. She was the only survivor(her 3 siblings had passed away), she came home with me. After an iffy first 24 hours, she is now doing great! She will be going up for adoption in a few weeks :)

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