20 Touching Photos That Prove Money Can’t Buy Happiness

2 years ago

They say that happiness doesn’t depend on wealth and it’s been proven time and time again. Even in the simplest and humblest of things, the world shares all sorts of happiness, beauty, and innocence with us. All it takes is a little imagination and a lot of love to make the most of the things in this world.

1. Cameras are overrated anyway.

2. Life is always sunny with a friend by your side.

3. A little imagination can make the world a more vibrant place.

4. “Mexico circa 1989 — I was too happy to understand how poor we were.”

5. Who needs a pool?

6. You should always take a second to look around the world.

7. Is there any love purer than that between a child and their dog?

8. A belly rub can solve nearly all of life’s little problems.

9. Anything can become a toy if you just believe.

10. We all need this reminder now and again.

11. A little buddy can make all the difference in life.

12. Your imagination can help you make your own world.

13. Even a little sawdust can create a world of happiness.

14. Swimming holes...does your local swimming pool have views like this?

15. When a homeless man in Brazil was rushed to a hospital, 4 dogs he took care of stood by to keep an eye on their friend.

16. A homeless man in Nashville created this work of art with simple cardboard.

17. “While in Vilnius, Lithuania, I was stopped by this gentleman who wanted his photo taken and to sing for me. He was quite the character!”

18. You’ve just got to love his spirit.

19. Birds of a feather smile together.

20. “This is what pure happiness looks like.”

Bonus: Money can’t buy happiness, but it can still be put to good use...after a mother posted about being homeless on social media, a group of mothers on Reddit sent help, complete with diapers and toys.

Do you have any photos that prove money and happiness don’t always go hand in hand? We’d love to know!

Please note: This article was updated in January 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit MisterDecember / Reddit


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i really needed this today. Reminds us to stop & look at the beauty around us. I think its time we turn off the news & MSM and stop letting politics divide us. We live in a truly beautiful world with awesome people. The first photo is my fave. So cute!


That reminds me of two famous quotes from the Dalai Llama...

"Sometimes not getting what you want is a good thing."


"Kindness is my religion."


My favorite is number one...is really full of meaning and complexity on behavior, society, imagination, etc. etc.


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